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So Bob how is your ass?

I will live don't worry

I don't need to worry
It is better if you don't live
Nvm I can't live without you
Who will be my texting partner??

Is that why you keep me around?
Helen I ahve bad news then
I want a divorce

I didn't know we were married
And Helen??
Where did you get that from??

My my elasticgirl
I cant believe you forgot about me
It is i your husband Bob Parr

What the fuck??

Have you seriously not watched incredibles?

Now my memory is coming back
Ahh yes Bob
We should get a divorce
As u Mr incredible is stupid as fuck

I am not
I have an IQ of 10000

Pffft and I have a penis
Shut the fuck up

Who knows if you have or have not a penis?
You could be a 70 year old man for god's sake

Don't ever speak shit like that.
I already said i was 21

What is the proof thou?

Even i don't have proof you are 21

That is true..
But you got to believe me Helen
I swear I wouldn't lie

Yea right Bob
You always lie

Ok what do I got to do to prove you wrong?

Face reveal😈

Anything but that

Then at least tell me your real name

ummm ok ig
It is Clay


I am not ☹️
Can't believe I am getting bullied rn
At least tell me your real name

To get that information you must beg for an other two thousand years
I love technoblade so much

But I told you my name

That is what I call scamming

I am gonna weep and cry to Nick rn

You know what I shud ask Nick if clay is even your real name.

You don't have to it is true - Nick

Is this Nick or is this clay?

I have his phone bitch- Nick

And that is how I know it is nick
Nice to see you again lol

Can u like tell me your name?
Like i wanna hold it over his head- Nick

He might see it.

I'll delete the message
I am hiding in a cupboard rn
Plsss- Nick

It is Camilla
Delete it NOW!

ok got it
I deleted it
And here is proof - Nick
*Insert screenshot*

Thank you Nick
Uhh r u ok?
U havent msged in 5 min rn

This is no longer Nick
It is me Helen
And i heard u said your name to Nick
I will threaten it out of him

Pls don't
I really want my privacy ಥ╭╮ಥ

Your emojis have saved you once again
But one day I will find it all
And along with that i will murder Nick

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