twenty nine

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He wanted for a little while more when he heard her car pull in to the driveway. He couldn't wait for her and here she was.

To be honest even Camilla couldn't wait to see him. So as she got out of the car she ran and gave him a long hug. He hugged her back. They walked in together.

'So Helen what do we do?'

'Dinner first. I am very hungry. Like starving' she replied.

'Dinner it is. Helping?'

'Sure. Where is Nick?' she asked looking around.

'Oh he went to meet Karl.'

'In Carolina? Damn.'

'Karlnap and all' clay says with a smirk

'Ughhhh Bob Parr. You are annoying'

'Helen thank you so much for that compliment' he says already starting his wheeze.

They decided to cook some pasta since it was the only thing left in the house. While clay waited in the kitchen she sat on the couch waiting and for the first time in her kife she saw the cat. Patches was on the couch as well. She slowly picked her up and put her on her lap and scratched her head absent mindly. Patches didnt seem to mind. She loved it so..

Clay came back a few minutes later with the pasta. They sat on the couch eating and talking about their last few days. Clay's was almost similar to evry single day of his life. Wake up, edit, play and practice Minecraft. From time to time meet his parents and hangout with Nick. Appearing on people's streams was a speciality so.

Camilla's days on the other hand were different from his. A new adventure every day. During college some dick would something stupid or at night when working as a bartender someone would tell their story and why they were drunk. She decided to tell one such story to him.

'So this like forty year old man i think is like drinking and he just starts talking. He talks about someone he loved when he was our age and how much they cared about each other but we're too afraid to admit it so they never did. And then it was too late as her father got her married and he was left alone. He said he didn't realise it then but now he regreted it a lot. Boy that was a really sad story.' she finished with air of sadness in her.

Clay listened intently. He realised something when hearing the man's story. He loved Camilla but if he chickens out and doesn't tell her, he would regret it very much in the future. He would see her and lose her. He didn't have time and he knew he had to tell her.

'Clay you ok? You just zoned out'

'Huh? No i am fine. Just thinking. What do you wanna do?'

She gave an evil grin. 'Lemme stream on your PC'

'What?? No that is not allowed.'

'Pretty please with a cheese in on the top'

'That is not the saying'

'I know but i don't care. Soo pleeeeaase.'

'Ughh fine. But with my supervision.'

They walked into Clay's room and she plopped onto his bed again and waited as he switched on the PC. After some time he called her and now she was the one in the hotseat. A few minutes later the green light came and shee knew she was live.

'Uhmm hi?' was all she said and that was all chat needed. Chat was already going mental asking whether it was Oreo girl or not. The chat's excitement gave her some confidence.

'Ok hello chat. How you peeps doing today? I am Oreo girl and i stole dreams pc.' she says happily.

'You didn't' clay says from the background. 'I set it up for you bitch.'

'Dont care'

She goofed around the smp for around an hour and then she ended stream.

They were now in his room just sitting quietly. Patches came in and jumped onto Camilla's lap. She scratched her head fondly. Until Clay broke the silence.

'Hey can I ask you something?'


'What do you think of me as?'

'My utp' she says with a smile.

'No seriously. Like what do you think of me as?'

She thought for a while. 'Clay you are my best friend. Maybe a little closer. Even if I met you online, you are closer to me than a lot of people. '

'Thanks' he says with a goofy grin.

'What about you?'


He took a big sigh and said, 'Camilla i really don't know how to think of you. You are honestly one the most amazing people i have met and to be completely honest, i think i am falling for you.'

Camilla sat there with her mouth wide opened.

Clay continued, 'I know. We haven't even known each other for a long time but i am just crazy about you. I fell in love with you the moment we met in real life. And today when you told that story i thought if i waited any longer, i would probably lose you. So yeah i really fucking love you.'

She sat there with no words at all. And then she said....


Ha ha haa. I have put you on a cliffhanger. And will continue it when i can. Ehehehehe.

I am just kidding. Love you guys and story will be continued. I just want in to happen in chapter 30 lmao.

Thanks for 700 reads and have a great day or night

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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