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Is this by any chance Georgie piggy?

Uhmmm it is just George
Who is this?

This is your killer British boy

I don't understand
Who are you?

Oh sweet Georgie
You are definitely gonna die

I will call umm the authorities

Do you even know who I am?
Or where I live?

Fair point
Who gave you my number?

Bob did
I mean fish fingers did

Wait clay gave you my number?
Wait so you are Oreo girl?

Hmm 🤔
Are you and Bob close?
How do you know i am Oreo girl?

It is on Twitter?

Ah you must be the one friend that follows him
Maybe Nick follow him too

No he has more foll-
Nvm he only has 8 or 9

Don't you worry Georgie i will investigate this
Even if i don't have Twitter

I don't even want to know how

Incoming call from Bob.
She looked at her phone and cringed at the timing.
'Hey I see you have talked to George'
'Yea i was. This Brit is a scaredy cat isn't he'

Clay gave a large wheeze. He sounded like he was deflating. His laugh was contagious as she soon joined him in laughing. Then her bedroom door opened and Macie came in screaming, 'I kicked the bitches ass finally'. This only made them laugh even harder. 'He will never think of flirting with me again.' Between her laughs she asked Macie, 'I thought you found him ok'. 'No man is ok' she said imperiously which made clay and Camilla wheeze even more. That is when Macie heard the man's laugh. 'Is that? No it isn't- That isn't Bob is it?'
'It is' she said between their wheezes. Macie looked petrified. She took oe large step out of the room.

Camilla stopped laughing finally. She told goodbye to clay and his laughs. It had been two weeks since they met the yet it felt like they knew eachother forever. She smiled at the thought before hearing her friends latest victim.

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