thirty five

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Hypothetically if you broke a vase at your grandmother's house, what would you do?

Idk blame her
Ya know old age and all

You are very dark

Thought you would know that already

Meh i did

I talked to the dirty crime boi yesterday
He was cool
Sedly not my cousin but tht is ok
He must be my first British frend

Ahh nice

Now tell me what is happening

So my family is having a get-together at my grandparents home
I am like sitting in a corner and talking to Jess

Whose Jess?

Sorry my older sister
When Ivy(younger sister) came and pushed me resulting in a broken vase
Idk wht to say to my mom or my grandma
They loved it sedly

Buy a new one?

It was an antique

Buy them a better antique
I mean you are Mr moneybags

Sure i guess
Btw my ivy says hello

Ooh rlly
Tell her a hello from me as well
And one more thing
Do you think Nick and Macie are seeing each other
She doesn't seem to be in the house anymore

Tbh i think so too
Nick was so happy when I said tht i had to leave

Hmmm this calls for detective Cami Donan


Uhh nothing
A game i used to play with Macie when i was younger

Ahh cool
Whatever it is
We have to find whether they are dating or not

For once only life Bob, i agree


Hope you are having a great day (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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