forty two

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Hey uhmm can you come over to my house?
And please do behave
My parents apparently want to meet you

Oh uhmm ok
I'll be there
But i thought your parents didn't care about you

Apparently they are kind of proud of me for getting a boyfriend
So yea


ure ok I'll be there

Sometime later he pulled up at her place. Clay rang the doorbell and Macie opened the door. She slowly whispered to him

'It might get ugly'

He nodded and walked in. In the sitting room, a very sophisticated looking couple sat. They weren't exactly looking at their daughter with happiness but their face wasnt exactly disappointed either. He walked towards her and greeted her parents. They looked at him with a little bit of happiness but all he felt was disgust.

'You must be Clay. I am Camilla's mother.' the woman said. 'We are really happy that my daughter has found the right way and started dating a boy'

He felt her shake in anger next to him. She could barely keep herself in control. Clay realised this and put his arm around her. She slowly cooled. He noticed her father disapprovingly look at his action.

'So what do you do for a living? Or are you still in college as well?' her father asked.

'I never went to college as i had ADHD.' he said quite bluntly.

The couple looked almost disgusted. She clutched his hand quite hardly. 'So do you do something for a living? Or do you just live of your parents money?'

He wanted to scream at them but he kept his cool. 'I make YouTube videos'

'You do what?' the lady asked quite imperiously.

'I make videos for people to see. It is quite a good job and i get a good amount for it as well' he said heating up a little.

'So you make videos. Like what kind?'

'Uhh gaming'

'That is absolutely childlike. I hope your parents are not ashamed of you for doing such stuff'

'Dad he makes more money than you i am absolutely certain. So you may shut the fuck up' she finally said angrily clutching his hand in a very hard manner.

'Dont use such abusive language' her mother said almost yelling at her. 'Dont take such a tone with us'

'Shouldnt she be saying that to you? I mean you did disown her for being bi? What kind of parents are you?'
Clay asked them finally losing his cool.

'You are such a bad influence. No girl must like a girl. That is an atrocity.'

'Well it can't be an atrocity that you have committed'

'Which is?'

'Disowning your own daughter. Hell God would never forgive you'

Her father stood up ready to punch Clay when Macie came in.

'Yeah no violence. If you people ever cared about her you would have accepted her choice. But you are just disgusting gold diggers. So you may get out right now.'

'You are making big mistakes trusting this boy and this friend of yours' her mother said almost screaming.

'Fuck you both because unlike you both they supported me. So like Macie said. Get out!!' she screamed.

They left. She fell into his arms crying. He held her close to him and comforted her by rubbing her back. She slowly cried into his shoulder.

'They are worthless shits. Always remember that' he told her. She slowly nodded into his shoulder.


So i made a huge mistake about her family. So she has rude parents and two siblings. They are quite proud of her sister like i mentioned earlier. The brother matters too but she prefers not to mention him.

Ik no one mentioned this but i realised this.

So please do comment if you find some mistakes like this. This is my first book that i am close to completing and I would really love the feedback.

Hope you are having a amazing day or night.

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