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Did you know george is freaking out rn?

Awhhh that is so cute

That is not 🤨

It is fish fingers

Damn i thought you forgot that

Never in a million years
So you saw dream's latest manhunt
George screams like a Lil baby
Sapnap is pretty cool thou

Yea I did
Watched it with Nick and had a good laugh about it
Poor hunters
Lost didn't they

I feel like the hunters shud win
Oh and btw I opened twitter again


Uhmm yesterday?

Oh my fucking god
Uhmm nothing you need to be concerned about

Hmmm I'll take you word for it

Clay was a little worried. If she ever decided to check through his twitter she would find out who he is. It was not that he didn't want her to know he just needed time to tell her.

'Clayyyyy, why are you so quiet??'

He forgot that Nick wanted help with lunch. He ran down the steps to see Nick looking through the cabinets.

'Where the oil at?'

'Uhmm I dunno. Can I ask you something Nick?'

Nick nodded.

'So Oreo girl opens twitter again and i am in deep shit. I have two options one is to delete my tweet and two to telle her who i am. What shud i do?'

'Dude tell her. I mean how long can you hide it?'

Clay understood the truth in his words. How long more could he hide it. He raced back up to get his phone. When he checked it he saw 5 missed messages.

Hey clay
I was thinking
Like i know a george from Britain, a clay from Florida and Nick who lives with the clay
Are your names like made as the dream team?
Wait are you the Dream team???

Clay ran back downstairs quickly and threw his phone into Nick's hands. Clays face looked like he just saw a ghost.

Nick looked at the phone and gasped.

She found out....

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