Antonio's Ceremony

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(Y/n outfit, like it or not)

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(Y/n outfit, like it or not)

No One's Pov

It was the day of Antonio's ceremony & y/n walks up to the casita. Camilo's face says it all, he is stunned that she is this beautiful. A blush grows on his face as he gazes at y/n walking up to him. "Camilooo? You there?" He hears a voice say to him. He stops gazing at y/n & sees her close to his face, hers full of worry for the boy. "Yeah I'm ok Amor~" Camilo says, kissing y/n's hand which makes her laugh. "Ok, ok, flirty boy, I gotta go inside. See you after you greet all the guests." Y/n says as she waves at Camilo & he waves back, watching her walk inside. Camilo looks like a lovesick puppy when he watches y/n.

Y/n's Pov

As I walk inside, the whole casita is covered in beautiful flowers & everyone is having a wonderful time. I smile as some kids run past me & try to go up the stairs but slide back down as casita doesn't let them go up. I think they're trying to get to the glowing door at the top of the stairs, which I'm pretty sure is Antonioms door. I look around in awe & watch as Isabela comes down from upstairs all gracefully & start dancing, showing off her gift. I decide to walk up to her & she greets me & compliments my outfit & I compliment her outfit as well & wave as I walk away. I decide to walk in the kitchen & I see Tía Julieta handing out food to everyone. She notices me & hands me some of her famous arepas & I smile & thank her & leave. As I walk out the kitchen I take a bite of the food & it melts in my mouth, the taste making me sigh. "Tía Julieta makes the best food." I say as I finish the food a few minutes later. I walk over to Isabela dancing & join her & we dance together, beautifully I may add. She shows off her gift as me & her do a duo dance. We finish & everyone claps for us & we look at each other, then we curtsy to each other. After, everyone surrounds us complimenting us on our amazing dance skills & asks if we can teach them. We finally calm them down a couple minutes later & agree to try & show them.

The party immediately calms down as Abuela walks over to the top of the stairs, she's also holding the candle. "Hello everyone! I'm glad you all could come here tonight. It is a beautiful night for Antonio's ceremony." The crowd cheers & me & the familia clap. Abuela continues to talk when suddenly I feel someone take my left hand in theirs. I turn my head to look at them, & Camilo is to my left, I look down & see his hand in mine, then look back up at him watching Abuela & I smile softly to myself. Then I hear a woosh & everyone turns to look at Antonio near the entrance.

He looks very nervous. I feel bad for him. All this attention on one little guy. I do hope that he is ok.

We all watch as he turns & speaks to someone from behind the wall & they come & take his hand after 2 minutes & it's Mirabel. Then Antonio looks at me & reaches his right hand outwards for me to come to him. I shake my head no but his eyes look so sad. I comply & let go of Camilo's hand & walk up to Antonio & he takes my left hand in his. "Let's get you to your door." Mirabel whispers to Antonio. The three of us look at Abuela & she is shocked. We all walk down the isle, Camilo gazes at me sadly as I walk past him, & up the stairs. Antonio looks at us as we let go of his hands & stand off to the side & we smile & give him a reassuring thumbs up. Abuela speaks & then Antonio goes up to his door & touches the handle. It glows brightly & then a beautiful pecan bird flies onto Antonio's arm. It chirps & Antonio's face turns to shock.

"Uh huh! Yeah I can understand you!" He says. The bird chirps again & Antonio smiles. "Of course they can come!"

As soon as he says that, animals of all kinds come to the casita & surround Antonio. His door then glows again & shows him surrounded by animals. Antonio opens the door & a jungle begins to form.

"It's bigger on the inside!?" One of the kids exclaim.

A leopard come in & takes Antonio on a ride & we all watch him as he comes back. Abuela then calls everyone to take a picture with her. "Y/n dear come too!" She says & I walk over to the Madrigal family.

"La Familia Madrigal!!" We exclaim & all take poses, then a photo is taken. Little did we know that Mirabel wasn't in the picture with us. She watches as we take a picture without her then she leaves.

We were all dancing together & having a good time till Mirabel comes in & talks about the casita having cracks & the candle almost going out. We follow Abuela who then stands on the stairs & claims that the magic is strong. And she says the drinks are strong as well & we all laugh except for me who looks at Mirabel. Everyone goes back in Antonio's room except for me & Tía Julieta. We comfort Mirabel & she talks about the cut on her hand & we try to help understand her situation.

Tía Julieta doesn't believe that the casita is losing their magic, honestly, I think sh only cares about her daughter right now, but I believe Mirabel. We leave the kitchen & I start to speak to Mirabel. "I believe you Mira. A few minutes ago.. I felt dizzy, like I was sick.. That must've been when the cracks started to come out. I felt sick until you came bursting in the room & it suddenly went away." Mirabel smiles softly then she sighs. "Yeah but you seem to be the only one who believes me. Your my best friend, of course you will stick by my side." I shake my head. " I'm serious Mira, I don't believe you because your my best friend. I believe you because I felt something was wrong with the casita. I can still feel it. Something is definitely wrong with the magic.. We have to find out."

The night continues & Mirabel & I try to find out what's wrong with the magic but we don't find anything. Mirabel asks if I can stay over for the night, & Abuela accepts. We then spend the rest of the night trying to get our minds off of the cracks. It's time for us to go to bed, but neither of us can fall asleep. So we get up & climb up to where the candle is to try & look at it. Suddenly Abuela comes up to the window, & we press ourselves to the wall & listen to her talk to her locket. Inside is a picture of Abuelo Pedro. She then leaves after asking for help & Mirabel & I look at each other.

"We will save the magic. Save the casita. Save the gifts." We say to each other.

(A/n: ik ik that's not what Mirabel says in the movie but it sounds so cool so I apologize if you get offended. Also, this is a kinda long chapter so, sorry if you don't like long chapters.)

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