Isabella's Girlfriend

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No One's Pov

It was late at night & Isabela was getting ready to sneak out. She made sure everyone was asleep before she opened her balcony doors & made a vine slide & landed on the grass. She then ran out to the town & stopped at the house where her girlfriend lived at. She knocked on her window & she opened it. "Ahh there you are my beautiful flower~" Her girlfriend said as she helped Isa in the room & she sat on her bed. "I missed you Sara querida~" Isa said as she gently pulled Sara close to her. Isa took Sara's hands in hers & stood up & they danced together, for hours. Soon enough it was almost daytime & Isa needed to go back home. Isa then pulled Sara close to her & they kissed, for quite a few minutes. Sara then broke the kiss & smiled at Isa. "You should probably go home my flower~" Isabela sighed. "J don't want to.. I'd love to stay with you my querida~ But your right. I will see you tomorrow night, like always~" Isa gave Sara a hug then walked over to th window & stepped out, with Sara's help & gave her another kiss then waved at her & left.

This had happened every night since Y/n got her vision of being married to Camilo. It's been 6 months since then. And no one seemed to notice how Isabela's eyes grew more & more tired. She didn sleep at night & could barely get any sleep during the day. That was, until Mirabel began to notice how different her sister had been acting. Mirabel also began to notice how, every night, Isabela would disappear from her bedroom. One night, Mirabel decided to follow Isabela as she caught her going out her balcony & going down to the ground.

Mirabel walked into Isabela's room just as she slid off the balcony with her gift. Mirabel followednhe by sliding down the vine slide carefully as to make Isabela not hear her. She followed Isabela as she ran to Sara's house & went inside. She watched them from a distance & saw them kiss. She immediately knew that Isabela wasn't sneaking out at night for a friend. She had a girlfriend. But Abuela would never allow that because she wanted Isa to marry to a man.

Isabela then came out of the windo as the sun was beginning to rise & said goodbye to Sara then started to walk home. That is when Mirabel revealed herself & talked to Isabela as they both walked home together.

"Hey Isa.. I know your probably gonn hate me for following you but i couldn't help but notice that every night you would sneak out. So I followed you tonight & I saw you & that girl together. I know she your girlfriend & you know exactly how Abuela might react if she finds out." Mirabel says as she walks with Isa to the Casita.

"Yes I understand that Abuela might not accept me. But sometimes you should really mind your own business Mirabel. I can see why you follow d me because you worried for me. Your probably the only person in the family who worries the most about me. I want you to know that I'm perfectly fine & that can you please keep this a secret? I don't want anyone to know that I'm daring Sara. But I do trust you so I hope you understand why I don't want you telling anyone."

"I understand perfectly Isa. I promise to keep it a secret & if you need to get some sleep during the day I can cover for you beat I can & help you around. I know you probably get tired a lot because you stay up all night with Sara."

"Thank you, & yes your right. I do get tired during the day." They arrive at the Casita & go back in from Isa's balcony & then continue to talk. "I give you permission, to tell y/n though. I trust her as well. But you guysust not tell anyone else! If you do I will personally shove flowers in to your mouths!" Isa teases.

Mirabel laughs softly as to not wake anyone. "Yes I promise isa. Neither of us will tell anyone & we will both help you out."

Isa smiles & nods. "Well, c'mon Mirabel. We have to get on with the day now."

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