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Y/n's Pov

Tears fell down my face as I ran from the Casita. Refusing to look back, I continued until I reached the crack in the mountain then I went on. I could hear Camilo calling after me as he followed me, but i refused to stop. I ran through the woods, trying to make Camilo stop following me, but I grew tired & stopped, leaning against a big oak tree. I sat down in the grass as I tried to catch my breath. As the minutes pass I can call down, I continue to think of all the things Abuela said about me & I cry even more. I thought I belonged, I though I would actually fit in. I though she like me & I could finally have something I never had before. Family love. About five minutes pass till I heard footsteps nearby after a few minutes & started to panic. But then i heard Camilo's voice, calling out my name, worriedness in his voice.

"Amor? Please come out.. I can't comfort you if I can't see you.. I need you.. You need me.. Amor please. Come back to me." My heart sinks as I realize I probably hurt Camilo by hiding from him. I get up & peek my head out from behind the tree & I see Camilo looking around for me. He then turns around & sees me & his eyes fill with tears & he rushes over to me & I step out from behind the tree completely & he kisses me, pulling me close to him & wrapping his arms around my waist.

As we kiss I calm down completely & my mind relaxes & then Camilo breaks the kiss, still holding me close. "Amor, I thought I lost you.. Please don't do that again.." I smile softly & nod. "I promise my shapeshifter~ I won't leave you. I could never do that." Camilo smiles then he hugs me & I hug back." Amor.. We should probably go home.. The others might be worried about us-"

"I don't wanna go back! I don't wanna see Abuela after what she said about me.." Camilo sighs & makes me look at him. Then he places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Amor, I'm never gonna let her hurt you. If she even tries to I will be there to stop her & I will save you. I promise you, I will make sure no one will ever hurt you. I swear on my life. I'll love you forever my amor~" I look at Camilo, my face red, & Camilo's face is red as well.

"I will always love you, I will always choose you. I could never put someone else above you. I love you & only you Amor. That's why I swore to protect you since the day we met. I knew that I would love you till the day I die. That I would make sure you were gonna be mine forever & that I would never lose you or let you get away from me. I will give you the world if you want it & I'll try my best to give you anything & everything you want. I will give you the best life ever & we will grow old together. We will be together till the day we die, & these past years with you, the love of my life, has been absolutely breathtaking & I would never wanna replace it with anything else. I would never wanna be with anyone else but you. You light up my world & I hate to see you sad & I love when your happy or excited. The way your eye light up when you talk about something you love, drive me crazy & I fall in love with you again & again every single day. I can't help that you drive me absolutely crazy & that I realize I wante to marry you & I want you to be my wife in the future. I want to start a family with you & our kids to be so happy to have you as a mother & look up to you. Now they can't love you as much as I can but they can love you plenty. I don't care what anyone says about you I will never leave you. I will make sure no one gets you other than me & no one touches you." Camilo makes a cute angry face."No one else gets to touch my amor other than me. And if they do they will get punched hehe. But any who.. You know I will always be here for you I could never leave your side. You will be my one & only & I will be your one & only. You are mine & I am yours."

My face is so red I feel as though I may burst. I look at camilo with such love he's super nervous about what he's saying & he just keeps going on about how he'll never leave me & other stuff as I just gaze at him. He just keep rambling on about things & eventually I just grab his cheeks & kiss him & he's shook. Camilo kisses back eventually & we stay like that for quite a while, in each other's arms, holding each other close as we kiss.

Mi Hermosa (Camilo x F!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now