Over Again (Part 2)

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All I wanted right now was to wake up starring at the ceiling and Niall lying beside me. I wish this whole fight was just one night’s ugly dream. This time I was truly hurt by some of the stuff he had said to me… but I guess I probably hurt him too.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door .I really just wanted to shut everything and everyone out, but I knew being sad and alone would just make me depressed. Unmotivated, I rolled out of bed and answered the door, it was El.

“Hey can I come in? I figured you needed someone to talk to.” asked a compassionate looking El.

“I’m glad you came, come in.”  I said as she let her into the hotel room. “So I guess you heard about Niall and I’s fight huh?”

“Well technically no, I just saw Niall looking and acting kind of agitated and upset so I figured something was up.”

“I just don’t get it El, I asked him if it was okay if Marc accompanied us last night, I was complete honest with him and he turns around and calls me selfish, a cheater, and I liar! I just don’t understand how he can go from calling me beautiful and sexy to a liar in the next breath. You’re truly luck you and Harry have such a great relationship.”

“Liv, I don’t know whoever told you that I have this perfect relationship with Harry but I can be the first person to say it’s all just a pretty picture that doesn’t speak the truth. It’s anything but perfect, we fight, he makes me mad, sometimes he’s not honest, he’s always busy , sometimes I make him mad and when things get bad we separate.”

“Wow I never would have guessed that, you two always look so happy in every picture!”

“Liv you can’t look at a few pictures and make assumptions, nobody really knows what happens, they can’t see behind the smiles and cute couple pictures.”

Wow El, there’s more to you than I thought. I don’t know what I would do without you. I thought I lost my best friend when I came here, but I think now it’s you.”

“Thanks Liv, you’re amazing to. You make me want to be a better person.”

“Thanks, that means so much to me.”

“Now come on you need to stop being alone, get up and clear your head! Liam and I aren’t doing anything today; do you want to hang out with us?”

“Thanks, I guess getting out is a good idea. Let me just grab some clothes and I’ll meet you guys down in the lobby.”  


For the first time since Niall and I’s fight I could finally put my thoughts on something else. Yes I was still hurt and mad but my feelings were taking a back seat in my mind. Liam, El, and I were just chilling in a Mexican restaurant; fooling around as usual playing ‘Would You Rather?’

“So El would you rather never be able to eat dessert again or never wear anything fashionable again?” I questioned.

“Hmm, tempting but I’d have to say I can’t live without dessert!”

“I agree.”

“Me too,” added Liam.

“This has been great guys’ thanks so much for letting me hangout.”

“Aww no problem Liv, we love you.”

Before I could reply my phone buzzed. It was a text from Niall.

Niall: Where are you?

Liv: I’m not your child, you don’t need to check on me as if I am one.

Niall: I’m just being nice; you’re with a guy aren’t you?

Liv: yes I am

Niall: of course, selfish as usual

Liv: why do you always turn everything into some sort of fight??

Niall: Why do you always criticize me?

Liv: I never criticize you! If anyone’s judgmental it’s you

Niall: and the selfishness strikes again…

Liv: Don’t talk to me again until you’re done calling me selfish

Niall: Well when you’re done being selfish I’ll stop calling you selfish

“Oh my god!” I breathed in frustration.

Liam who I could see was filled with concern asked, “What’s wrong?”

Without saying a word I slammed my phone on the table. Liam and El both glanced at it and gave me a look of sympathy.

“Don’t worry Liv, everything will work it’s self out, I promise.” said El as she hugged me.


I did what I did whenever I was upset or confused; went for a jog. I know it sounds weird but for some reason exercise just clears my head and makes me feel a lot happier. I jogged around the square of Berlin , stopping to take photos of all the breathe taking sites and architecture.  I shook my head as I passed a magazine stand and glanced at the headline of Star Magazine: Niall and Olivia Truly, Madly, Deeply in Love. El was right there is more to celebrity relationships then what is said in the interviews and the smiling faces in photos. I continued jogging until I got to a park, then slowed my pace to a brisk walk. I could hear my name being shouted above the loudness of the music being blasted into my ears through my headphones. I turned expecting to see a fan(s) but I was shocked to see Niall standing a few meters behind me.

“Liv, I thought about everything and I just wanted to say-“

“Look Niall, there’s nothing left to say. I’m sorry that you think I’m a selfish liar. I think of myself in a lot of negative ways but selfish wasn’t one of them. I love you no matter what but I’m still hurt.”

Before he could say anything else I turned and jogged away. I couldn’t take any more heart break for a while. I knew we would work everything out, it just wasn’t going to be today. 


Heyy loveliess! Thanks for reading! sorry I haven't been able to update as frequently. Life has been quite busy and a little stressful for me! Just in case you were wondering the character of Liv's personality and appearance are not based on me in anyway :) the only similarities are the name and the One Direction obsession :D 

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