Trouble When You Walked In

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It had been almost two weeks since I'd seen Niall and we hadn't spoken in a week. I know that's not really a long time but it feels like it. Friends and family are great but Niall is different. Something doesn't feel the same when he's not around. It's like apart of me is missing. My thoughts were interuppted by my cellphone ringing. Of coarse my ringtone had to be One Thing. Note to self: change ringtone! I was delighted to see it was Niall calling.

"Hey babe, I''ve missed you so much, it's been so lonely without you. "

"Hey Cupcake, I've missed you too. How has everything been?"

"To be honest Nialler not so great. It's really lonely here all the time and your fans aren't exactly helping considering my twitter is filled with hate."

"I'm really sorry Cupcake, to make it up to yenou I have a surprise for you."

"Really? What's the surprise?!"

"Why don't you look out your window and see?" he said flirtatiously.

Confused I opened the window and leaned out. I didn't know how to believe. My eyes could see Niall standing outside my window but my brain said that I missed him so much I was just imagining him. I decided to believe my eyes. I ran downstairs as fast as I could and outside to where Niall was supposedly standing. He reached out and touched my hand.

"Niall it really is you. I've missed you so much. I love you."

"And I love you."

He lifted me off the ground and into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his body as he began to kiss me passionatly but gently. He whispered in my ear,

"Let's go inside."

The twitter hate, the thoughts of my mom, and the consent papperazzi were less of an annoyence when Niall was around. We were finally getting back the time that had been stolen from us. 

"So babe, how's the tour so far?"

"Oh geez it was wild. Fans everywhere we went but I do admire there dedication and we all appreciate them so much even when they mob and surround us."

"Well I bet you had a better time then I did."

"I'm sorry I had to leave you here. Now common Love let's just relax, I bought the movie TItanic for you because I know how much you love it, so why don't we watch it?"

"I'd love too."

We snuggled together on the coach with a blanket around our bodies. Titanic ws truley the best movie I've ever watched.

"And I've always dreamed of finding a girl like you." he whispered back.

I kissed his cheek sofetly "Welcome home babe."


My eyes fluttered open when I felt someone brush the side of my face. It was Niall, who I was now laying on top of with his handle tangled in mine.

"Good evening sleepy head."

I smiled and got up from on top of him.

"What do you want for dinner babe?" I asked

"No honey you look tired, go sit in the coach and watch some tv, I'll make dinner."

"Thanks Niall, what would I do without you?"

I jumped back into the coach and turned on the tv to Etalk. Wrong move, guess who was the subject of today's E news? Niall and I of coarse.

"So I'm sure you've all heard about Niall's new leading lady Olivia Tyler, the girl who he asked to be his girlfriend at a concert a couple of weeks ago. The band just returned from a short two week tour hitting the cities New York City, New Jersey, San Fransico, Philidelphia, New Mexico, Milewaki, and Orlando. After the boys concluded there concert they made a twit cam to the fans saying quote, " It's been amazing getting to meet and preform for our beloved fans we definatly had fun on this tour." The boys fun continued even after the tour ended especially for Niall Horan when they hit several Hollywood bars. We see shots here of Niall dead beat drunk! It definatly looks like he had too much fun. We even see pictures of both Niall and Harry getting in a car with a girl who has not yet been identifyed."

I didn't know what to feel as several images of drunk Niall flashed up on the tv. Should I be angry? Should I care? Should I feel betrayed? As I thought back to how lonely the past three weeks were and everything I had to deal with without having Niall there to support and comfort me I became increasing angry and upset. Niall could I obviously see my agitation and he tried to comfort me.

" I can explain- "

"Niall there's nothing to explain. You were drunk and having a good time while I was here depressed and dealing with everything that I'm dealing with. End of story."

"Liv your upset so don't even bother trying to hide that from me. Why are you upset?"

"Your not actually asking me my I'm upset are you?! How dumb are you !! Oh gosh I don't even want to talk to you right now, leave me alone."

It just kept on coming, word vomit everwhere. I didn't mean anything I was saying but I just couldn't stop it.

"No Liv were going to talk about this!" he yelled as he grabbed my hand in an attempt to pull me back towards him.

I pushed him and he stumbled backwards "Let go of me! I don't have to do anything I'm not your child! I hate you Niall! I can't believe you! I thought you were different, you tricked me. You told me and every fucking person who asked that're you don't play with woman's hearts, was that all just a big lie?! "

Before he could reply I ran into our bedroom and locked the door. He banged on in

"Common Liv what's this going to solve?!"

"My sanity!" I yelled back.

I layed down in our bed and began to cry and think. What had I just done?

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