Chapter 1

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"Wakey-wakey, baby girl," Louis whispers, his voice soft and tender as he rubs his daughter's back. The room is still dim, bathed in the gentle morning light streaming through the curtains. Cassie stirs beneath her pink-and-white blankets, her little face scrunching up as she tries to block out the morning with a groggy whine. "Da-dee, sleeep," she protests, pulling the covers over her head.

Louis grins down at her, his heart swelling with affection. "Okay, well, I guess I'll just have to go have breakfast without you," he teases, standing up as if he really might leave her behind.

Instantly, Cassie throws off the blankets with a gasp, sitting up so quickly her wild bed hair bounces around her face. "No, Da-dee! I awake! I awake! Up, up!" Her tiny hands reach toward him, fingers outstretched and wiggling urgently.

Louis can't help but chuckle as he scoops her up in his arms, kissing her chubby cheek. "Alright, baby girl, let's get you dressed for the day. What do you want to wear?"

"Pink! Pink!" Cassie cheers, pointing toward her closet where her favorite dress hangs, a pastel pink number with tiny embroidered flowers along the hem.

He pulls it down with a grin. "Pink it is, little miss sunshine." As he helps her out of her pajamas, Cassie's giggles fill the air, her energy bubbling over now that she's fully awake.

Once she's changed into her dress, Louis carries her to the bathroom, her small body still heavy with the remnants of sleep. The cool tiles underfoot contrast with the warmth of the early morning sun that's just beginning to peek through the window. Louis gently brushes her hair, his fingers working through the soft tangles, though he knows the ponytail won't be perfect. Still, it ends up a bit lopsided, as always, but the sight of Cassie's happy smile makes it perfect in his eyes.

"Alright, teeth time, munchkin," Louis says, handing her the tiny toothbrush that matches his own. Brushing their teeth together has become a ritual, with Louis exaggerating each movement so Cassie can mirror him. Their reflections in the mirror—one small and bubbly, the other smiling down proudly—paint a quiet moment of connection.

After their teeth are brushed, they head downstairs. The house is filled with the smell of fresh air and autumn leaves from the open window, and the gentle warmth of the early September sun filters in. "Ready to put your shoes on?" Louis asks as they reach the front door.

Cassie plops down on the floor with excitement. "Me big girl, me do it!" she declares, grabbing her tiny white Vans and sliding them on with remarkable determination. She looks up at Louis, her face beaming with pride. "See, Da-dee? Me big girl!"

"You sure are," Louis says, bending down to kiss her head. "Daddy's very proud of you."

He grabs Cassie's jacket, just in case the day cools off, and they step outside into the crisp morning air. The street is still quiet, with only a few cars passing by and leaves rustling in the light breeze. The world feels fresh and new, as if the day holds endless possibilities for them both.

The drive to the café is quick, and soon they're pulling into their usual spot. The little café is nestled on the corner of a tree-lined street, its ivy-covered brick walls and rustic wooden sign giving it a cozy, welcoming feel. The café itself is small but charming, with large windows that let in streams of natural light, and the outdoor seating is framed by pots of vibrant flowers, their colors standing out against the weathered brick. Inside, the warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods greets them, wrapping them in the scent of comfort.

Louis helps Cassie out of her car seat, and they walk hand in hand toward the door. The bell above the entrance jingles softly as they step inside, and the interior of the café feels like stepping into a warm hug. The wooden floors creak slightly underfoot, and the walls are lined with mismatched shelves holding books, plants, and local art. Soft, golden light filters through the tall windows, casting a gentle glow over the small, intimate tables scattered around the room.

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