Chapter 11

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The drive to Doncaster Louis has to admit felt a lot quicker with Harry in the passenger seat next to him distracting him easily with simple conversations about anything that comes to mind, whether it be stories from their childhood or dreams they have for the future. Nothing about the conversation feels forced, Louis even takes comfort in the quiet moments stopping to breathe in his coffee before taking a long sip. They had stopped at a coffee shop on the  that was still open on their way out of town, both agreeing the caffeine was much needed to make it through the drive.  The roads are quiet at this time of night, the sky dark now and the only lights coming from Louis headlights and the headlights of the few passing cars. 

As they got closer to Doncaster Louis could sense Harry tensing up beside him, he moves his right hand from the steering wheel and places it gently on top of Harry's tensed. He felt him slightly relax beneath his touch and Louis turns to look briefly at the younger lad next him. "Everything okay love?" Louis asks squeezing Harry's hand reassuringly. 

"Yeah.. I um.. I just realized that I will be meeting your mum tonight." Harry says meekly. Louis sneaks another glance at Harry inspecting his face for any signs of hesitation or regret, not being able to read any on his face he settles for asking. "Do you regret coming?" 

"No! Not at all!" Harry rushes out before continuing. "I just... well I just want her to like me." Louis knows that if he were to shine a light on the curly haired lads face he would see his cheeks a darkening shade of pink. 

He squeezes Harry's hand again reassuring the younger lad. "She will love you, you are pretty amazing." Louis says eyes focusing on the narrow road ahead. Through his peripheral he sees Harry shift slightly in the seat smiling down at his hands. "Thanks Lou" 

Louis doesn't respond he just gives Harry's hand one more squeeze and continues to focus on the road. They are only 5 minutes out from his mum's house now. The low hum on the radio fills the comfortable silence of the car. 


Soon Louis is pulling the car into the driveway and the pair are walking up the narrow stone pathway leading to Jay's front door. Louis smiles at the sight of his childhood home. Memories come flooding back of all the times he took this pathway up to the blue front door after school. He feels Harry slip his hand in Louis as they climb the three steps onto the front porch. "You okay love?" Louis asks turning to look at Louis. 

Harry smiles down at Louis, a genuine smile, his dimples forming in his cheeks at his lips turn up. "I'm okay Lou. Promise." Harry says offering a comforting squeeze to Louis hand, Louis squeezes his hand back and turns to knock on the front door, knowing at this time of night his mum has locked the door. 

It's only moments later when the door is swinging open and they are greeted with Jay Louis mum standing in the door way. Jay is in her early forties, dark brown eyes, and long sleek dark brown hair and only a few inches shorter than Louis. "Louis Hi!" Jay smiles before her eyes flicker to see Harry standing next to him "Oh hi" She says smile still on her face. 

Louis pulls Jay into a quick hug breathing in that comforting scent. "Hi Mum" he says smiling and pulling away turning to face Harry. "Mum this is Harry. Harry this is my mum Jay." 

"Hi Mrs. Deakin it's nice to meet you." Harry smiles reaching his hand out to shake hers, it is only met with a shake of her head before she pulls him in tight for hug. "Hi Harry darling, please call me Jay." She says before releasing him from the hug. 

Louis stands there shaking his head at his mother's lack of boundaries. "Sorry love as you can tell my mother loves to hug." Louis chuckles. Jay just waves Louis off and opens the door gesturing for the two to come inside the house. As they enter the small entry way piled with all sizes and styles of shoes and boots he turns to his mother. "So where is my sad poorly daughter?" Louis asks. 

"She is asleep on the couch, she didn't want to sleep upstairs with the twins." Jay explains "You got her to sleep? How is her tummy?" Louis asks toeing his shoes off. 

"She only just fell asleep, she was dead set on waiting up for you but I think all her crying tuckered her out. Her tummy was still upset but I think the medication is kicking in finally. She just kept saying she wanted Daddy cuddles." Jay smiles softly at Louis knowing how much Louis loves to have cuddle time with his daughter. 

"Awe my poor baby girl." Louis frowns and walks out of the entry way leaving Harry and Jay in the entry way and down the narrow hallway to the living room where his daughter is sleeping. He spots her small figure curled up at the far end of the sofa. Louis struts across the room and settles down on the couch next to her rubbing small circles up and down her back. "Hi my sweet girl" He whispers gently coaxing her out of sleep. 

The three year old stirs from her slumber rubbing her eyes to clear her sleepy eyes. "Dadee?" She mumbles. Louis smiles sweetly down at her and pulls her smoothly into his lap. "Yeah baby I'm here." 

"Dadee" She cries and wraps her little arms tightly around his neck. "Tummy huwts Dadee." She mumbles into his neck. Louis heart breaks at the sound of his daughters cries. "I know love, but Daddy is here now what can he do?" Louis asks soothingly rubbing his hand up and down her back. 

"Dadee lay wif me?" Cassie asks looking up at Louis pleading. "Of course baby girl. But there is someone who is here to see you first." Louis smiles, knowing the 3 year old will be excited to see her favorite barista. 

Cassie looks up at her father cocking her head to the side in confusion. "Who?" she asks. Louis just chuckles before calling "Love do you want to come in here?". Its only a moment later when Harry makes his way into the living room a smile plastered over his face. Cassie lets out a small grasp before lifting her arms up and making grabby hands at Harry. " 'Arreh!" She calls. 

Harry is across the room as fast as he can picking up the awaiting three year old and pulling her into his arms resting her on his hip. "Hi munchkin. I hear you are poorly." He says looking down at her. Cassie has her head rested against Harry's shoulder her thumb making its way into her mouth, she stops and looks up at him. "Uh huh tummy huwts." She nods before turning to look at Louis. "Dadee 'Arreh cuddle wif us?" She asks. 

Louis looks over at Harry and smirks. "Well what do you say love? Wanna cuddle with us?" Louis asks winking at him. "I would love nothing more." Harry grins letting out a soft giggle. Cassie lets out a quiet cheer and before resting her head back on Harry's shoulder. 

Jay who had entered the living room after Harry and had been watching the couple with a smile on her face makes her presence known by letting the trio know that she will be heading off to bed now and that if they need anything to come and get her. They all exchange their goodnights, Louis letting her know he is fine to get whatever he needs on his own before she exits the living room.

After stopping in the kitchen for a glass of water they all head upstairs to Louis childhood bedroom. They climb into the bed three of them squishing into the double bed. Cassie snuggled up in the middle between the two. 

"How 'Arreh know me sick?" Cassie asks looking up at Harry from her spot on the bed. "Well" Harry begins. "I was hanging out with your Daddy when your Grammy called, so obviously I told your daddy I would come and see my favorite three year old." Harry states 

"Tank you 'Azzie. Me lobe you." Cassie says and both Louis and Harry freeze in their spots, neither expecting that to come out of the three year old's mouth. Harry looks over at Louis searching for some kind of guidance on what to say in this moment. Louis knowing that if Harry uttered these three words to his daughter he would no doubt break her heart if this didn't work out. But knowing Harry even if this didn't work out between them he would find a way to be there for Cassie so he nods and gives Harry's arm a reassuring squeeze. Letting him know that it's okay. 

Harry takes a moment, breathing in a deep breath and closing his eyes preparing himself before saying "I love you to sweet girl." A grin growing on his face. 

Cassie lets out a small squeal followed by a giggle as she cuddles in closer to Harry, whos back was against the wall. Harry pulls Louis in closer to the two of them, the three neatly tucked in together so close for fear if there is any distance between them the moment will slip away. 

"Nigh Nigh Dadee. Nigh Nigh 'Arreh" Cassie yawns her eyes soon fluttering closed and sleep over taking her. Louis and Harry stare at each other a moment longer, silently agreeing that they would talk tomorrow about tonight before sleep over takes them both. 

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