Chapter 2

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The next morning Louis wakes up to the sound of his alarm going off, he hits the snooze button to allow himself another 15 minutes of sleep. By the time the second alarm went off Louis rolls himself out of bed and sluggishly walks into his bathroom, turning on shower too hot before stepping in dogging the water stream. "Fuck every time" Louis mutters to himself turning the heat down on the water. He quickly washes his hair with his vanilla coconut shampoo and washes his body head to toe before getting out of the shower and slipping into his clothes.

Once dressed Louis creeps into his daughters bedroom and sits on the bed beside her. "Cassie sweetie it's time to wake up baby girl" Louis whispers rubbing her back. Cassie whines and curls up into her dads side. "I know you are sleepy baby but we need to get ready here soon." Louis tells her. "Otay Dadee, can you tarry me to bafoom" she mumbles making grabby hands. Louis chuckles and picks up his daughter carrying her to the bathroom setting her on the counter. "Okay love do you want to bath this morning or tonight?" "Tonight Dadee" "Okay love" Louis passes Cassie her toothbrush with her watermelon toothpaste on it after putting toothpaste on his own and they brush their teeth.

"Okay love, what are we wearing today?" "Ummmm dis?" She asks pointing to her purple cardigan. "Okay what else?" "Dadee pick?" "Okay love why don't you wear a this with it" pointing to her black t-shirt and leggings. "Otay Dadee" Cassie smiles sleepily. Louis helps Cassie get changed and they make their way downstairs.

"Alright little munchkin ready to head to the bakery for breakfast?" Louis asks helping Cassie tie her shoes. "Ready Dadee!" Cassie cheers taking Louis hand as they walk out to the car. Louis buckles Cassie in before climbing in the drivers seat and pulling out of the driveway.

They arrive at the Cafe 5 minutes later, arriving inside seeing a line of 3 or 4 people ahead of them and join the back. "Okay love what do you want today?"  "Nana Muffin and Chocy Milk!" Cassie tells Louis. Louis nods and they walk to the counter to order. "Well hello Louis and Cassie! What can i get for you two this lovely morning?" Harry cheers. "Hi 'Arreh!" Cassie waves her hand frantically making Louis chuckle. "Hi Harry, can i get a banana muffin with chocolate milk, a Yorkshire tea with a little but of milk and a cheese tea biscuit please" Louis smiles. "Of course, why don't the two of you go take your seat and i can bring it over to you."

Louis finishes paying. "Thank you Harry" Louis turns to Cassie and looks down at her. "Okay where would you like to sit?" "Thewe Dadee!' Cassie points towards the spot they had sat yesterday morning. "Sounds lovely!" They walk over to the table by the window where you are able to see the entire cafe. It really was a beautiful cafe, the space was small but it was cozy, there is brick walls all around with shelf's of various shades of greenery. In the back corner there is a a wall of books and a couple cozy bean bags. The room is washed with warm lighting and the sun shines through the large windows in the front of the store. Quiet chatter and the sound of the bell as people enter and leave are the only sounds that can be heard.

Once they are settled into their table a few minutes later Harry walks up with a tray full of their items. Harry places each item in front of Cassie and Louis smiling down on them. "Here you two are." Harry smiles a gentle smile. "Tank you 'Arreh!" Cassie grins. "You are most welcome Cassie" " 'Arreh what you favowite colouw?" Cassie questions. ""Mine are blue and orange. What are yours?" "Puwple and green!!" Cassie cheers. "Dadee loves wed!" Cassie adds.

Harry chuckles and turns to Louis. "Is that so?" He hums. Louis smiles and nods. "Dark red to be specific" "hmmm i could see it, i bet dark red looks great on you" Harry grins. "T-thanks Harry." Louis blushes and laughs awkwardly. "my Dadee is very hansome 'Arreh! He have pwetty eyes too!" Cassie smiles. "That he does" Harry's smiles his dimply smile and makes intense eye contact with Louis for a few seconds before breaking the silence. "Well i better get back to work, but you guys have an amazing rest of your day!"

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