Chapter 16

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Louis wakes the next morning to his lamp on his bed side table next to him still on his book on the other side of the bed, his page no longer book marked and hand asleep from sleeping on it all night. He looks over to see that it's 15 minutes before his alarm is due to go off, an alarm he one hundred precent forgot to set. He lets out a grateful sigh that his body's internal clock is extremely reliable and will wake him up no matter what.

He decides to lay in his bed for those extra 15 minutes and reaches for his phone that he thankfully plugged in last night. He pulls it off the charging dock next to him and sits up so his back is resting against the pillows. Its 6:15am and Harry has only just opened the cafe a 15 minutes ago, probably busy with his first morning rush of customers who are eager for that cup of coffee on their early morning commute to work. He opens up Harry's contact. The one he saved under Curly and shoots him a good morning text.

Knowing that Harry will be too busy to respond he exits out of his messages and opens up instagram. He scrolls through his followers, a few of his home town friends from when he was younger but most of them are people in the entertainment industry, different musicians, singers, and comedians that he follows, even a couple actors and actresses. Once he has had enough of instagram he moves on to twitter reading a few tweets about the music industry before finally deciding that he needs to get up and get ready for work, before he goes and wakes up his three year old, who much like him is not a morning person.

He pads his way to the bathroom, deciding that he needs another shower after waking up drenched in sweat from a very deep sleep. Turning the hot water on he then strips off his boxers and throws them in the hamper before stepping into the steaming hot water. He doesn't get lost in his thoughts this time, wanting to make quick work of washing his body and hair. The scent of coconut and apricot fill his nostrils as he lathers his hair with his favorite shampoo.

Once he clean Louis hops out of the shower, drying himself off and moving to this sink to brush his teeth and wash his face, the towel still wrapped around his waist. He completes his very simple face care routine of using one kind of face wash and water. He never could get into having a full face routine, not that he didn't see the benefits of taking care of your face, but for him just using the one face wash has been working so whats the point of doing anything more.

He soon finds himself in his closet, searching for an outfit to wear to work. He goes for his usual black jeans, while he searches for a jumper to wear. He spots a cosy dark grey knit jumper he pairs it with a white long sleeve button up underneath to give himself a more business casual look. He slips on a pair of black socks and deems his outfit complete, knowing he will just throw on his black vans that are at the front door.

Exiting his room, he pads down the hallway towards the room his sleeping daughter is in, quietly opening the door as he reaches the room peering in to see her still sound asleep where he left her last night. He creeps across the floor kneeling in front of her bed rubbing soothing touches up and down her back as he whispers "Cass, baby girl time to wake up."

She shifts in her sleep, mumbling incoherently, Louis continues to rub her back and whispering to her. He always makes sure that her wake ups are calm and quiet, never wanting her to be scared away.

It only takes a couple minutes before her sleep heavy eyes flick open locking on Louis. "D-Dadee?" Cassie mumbles shifting so she can snuggle into Louis chest finding comfort in her father. "Morning baby girl, its time go get up now." Louis smiles when her face scrunches up. "Sweepy Dadee noooo" She wines.

Louis rubs his had through her hair and out of her face. "I know sweetheart but we have to get ready to go to the Cafe and then to Uncle Zayn's." Louis explains hoping that she isn't too fussy this morning, not wanting to start off Monday morning fighting with a three year old.

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