Chapter 9

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"Cassie love are you all packed for your sleep over at Grandma's" Louis asks Friday morning. The week had flown by, Louis spent a lot of the week planning his date with Harry when he wasn't with Cassie or at work. The plan was for Louis to drop Cassie off at Zayn's as per usual on today and his mum was going to pick her up around lunch time to take her back to her place for the weekend. Cassie was very excited at the idea of spending the weekend with her Grammy and aunts and uncle. 

Louis on the other hand was going to pick Harry up around 7pm tonight for their first date. He had spent a lot of time going back and forth with Zayn about what they should do, until he finally settled on an idea that he deemed perfect for the curly haired boy. Harry had been quite inquisitive about what Louis was planning during their daily texts, but Louis was going to keep that a secret a while longer. 

"Uh huh! Me all packed Dadee! We stwill go see 'Arreh?" Cassie passes her bag full of clothes to Louis. "Yes love we are still going to the Cafe" Louis chuckles opening her bag to inspect that everything is in there. "Grammy will pick you up from Zayn's after lunch do you have your ipad in the bag to watch movies for the drive?"

"Yesh! Me do. Let's go!" Cassie chants. Louis shakes his head light heartedly before turning returning to look in her bag confirming that the ipad, her headphones and all of her clothes were there. "What about Mr. Sharkie don't you want him?" Louis asks. 

Cassie's eyes bulge and she turns on her heels racing up the stairs to her bedroom Louis assumes to get her stuffed animal. Chuckling he walks to the closet and grabs one of his tote bags putting a pair of Cassie's sandals, a hat and a light jacket into the bag. He turns from the closet when he hears the sound of feet pattering their way down the stairs. 

"I gots him!" Cassie breaths out. "Great well then I think that we are really ready to go." Louis chuckles. "Well as soon as you put your shoes on your feet." Louis adds and Cassie makes quick work of it dropping down to her butt sliding her vans on her feet  and stands up. 

"In da caw we gooooo!" Cassie cheers running out the front door, leaving a chuckling Louis behind her. He makes quick work of locking the front door before chasing after his rambunctious daughter who is waiting patiently by the car door rocking back a forth on her heels, shark in hand. 

"Its unlocked love, you can hop on in." Louis tells her as he opens his door and throws her bag in the passenger seat before closing the door and turning to help Cassie buckle in. The smile on her face doesn't fall off her face as he closes her door once she is safely buckled in. He climbs into his front seat and settles himself down. Louis takes a second to look in the rearview mirror, noticing Cassie's energy levels are crashing now that she is over the initial excitement. buckling himself in quickly before backing out of the driveway. 

The drive to the Cafe is quiet, Cassie falling back asleep the second Louis pulled out of the driveway. Louis takes the moment of tranquility to think about his date with Harry, it has been such a long time since he has been on a date, the nerves he his feeling are overwhelming, the pit in his stomach is making him want to throw up. But there is also that piece inside of him that is excited and curious. Excited to get to know Harry and curious to see what is going to happen with them. 

Louis is so lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize that he was already arriving at the Cafe. He turns into the carpark pulling into a stall closest to the door before turning off the engine. He wastes no time 

"Alright munchkin, we are here." Louis smiles at his sleeping daughter unbuckling her from her car seat. "Dadee Cawwy me?" Cassie looks up at Louis through tired eyes, her arms stretched out for her father to lift her out of her seat. "Always baby" Louis smiles leaning down to pick Cassie up from her seat, he places her gently on his hip closing the car door with the arm not holding Cassie. 

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