Chapter 6

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"Lou?!" Harry gasps, standing in the doorway frozen. "Wait you two know each other?" Niall asks looking back and forth between the two confused as the two boys stand there locked eyes. "Um y-yeah, Lou is the one who comes to the café every morning with his daughter. My two favorite customers." Harry breaks eyes contact smiling down at his feet.

"Oh so this is the infamous Lou you never shut up about." Niall grins and Harry's face turns a bright shade of pink. "So you talk about me hey curly?" Louis winks, keeping his cool as inside he is freaking out that he fact that Harry talks about him to his best friend.

"I-I uhhh-" Harry stutters blush turning a darker shade of pink. "Relax love, I am only teasing" Louis laughs "Now come on in guys, Harry there is a three year old girl inside who will be so excited to see you." Louis steps out of the way of the door to let the two inside locking it behind him. Louis guides them back to the living room to where the others were.

" 'Arreh?!" Cassie gasps when the three enter the room, she makes grabby hands towards Harry. "Hi munchkin!" Harry grins walking over to pick Cassie up. "How is my favorite 3 year old?"

"Me gwood! Dadee no tell me you come?" Cassie pouts. "Your Daddy didn't know my friend Niall invited me, he met your Daddy at work." Harry explains. "Hi Nyo" Cassie snuggles into Harry and waves to Niall who waves back . "I sit wif 'Azzie? "Of course munchkin." Harry sits on the love seat where Louis is seated, Niall taking Cassie's old spot on the couch.

Louis goes around and introduces everyone to each other and lets Niall and Harry know where the bathrooms are. "So this is the infamous Harry that has stolen my god daughters heart and makes Louis blush." Zayn smirks. "I guess so." Harry giggles. "Oi Z shut yo mouth" Louis groans.

"Dadee not nice to say." Cassie scolds turning in Harry's lap to wiggle her finger at her dad. "Yeah Lou that's not very nice" Harry teases and Louis sticks his tongue out at the pair.

The six of them fall into easy conversation, Cassie being the one to dominate the majority of the conversation making all the boys coo and fond over the little girl as she asks them one thousand and one questions. She snuggles in close to Harry gripping his shirt and and and fiddling with his curls as she speaks.


An hour later they were deep in conversations Cassie asking Harry and Niall a million questions. "Okay munchkin, it's time for bed." Louis says standing up going to take Louis Cassie. "No Dadee! Me no go bed!!" Cassie pushes Louis hand out of the way crossing her arms and pouting.

"Cassie Rose!! We do not push Daddy! Now come on love, it is time for bed, you made a deal remember? You got to stay up an extra hour past your bed time, now come with Daddy and he will read you a bed time story okay?" Louis says softly.

Cassie cuddles into Harry hiding her face in shame. "Sowwy Dadee." Cassie whines before turning to look at Harry. " 'Arreh read me stwoy? Pwease?" Cassie asks batting her eyelashes. Harry smiles down at Cassie before looking up at Louis. "Is that okay Lou?"

Louis can't help the smile form on his face and the fondness in his eyes. "of course Curly, only if you really want to." Louis smiles. "I would love nothing more." Harry stands up lifting Cassie off his lap and into his arms.

"We will be right back guys." Louis says to other three lads. "Of course mate take your time, Niall here was just about to explain to us his album." Liam explains and the other two nod in agreement.

"Alright Cass, are you going to be on your best behavior for bed time?" Louis asks as he guides Harry upstairs to Cassie's bedroom. Cassie snuggles her face into Harry's neck allowing herself to carried. "Yesh Dadee." Cassie nods her head. "Of course you are, you are the sweetest girl ever right?" Harry coos tickling Cassie's side.

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