14. Aria

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The moment the golden one stepped onto the land a gush of wind swirled around her, lifting her orange dress and herself ever so slightly. The mellow warmth of the sun settled the nature's excitement, subduing the girl's energy to invite quietude. A joyous smile spread across her face as she hopped a step away, making room for her mother's appearance.

Aurelia stared up at the older woman, the braided red hair swaying behind a little as she settled. A small smile was on her face and her eyes remained fixated on the little one in her hands, clad in that light blue cloth that radiated less in this land. Its glow remained, however, and it was quieter here.

Aurelia jumped just a little to gain a peek of her new sister but the woman raised her hand, wishing to keep the atmosphere quiet for the moment.

"Shh, you'll wake her," she whispered, her smile now growing. "I am aware that you are excited to play with Ariana, but she needs to rest for a while. I promise you will get plenty of time with her."

"Okay, mother. I will hold you to that!" Aurelia replied in an excited whisper closer to her mother's ears, going to a quiet demeanour immediately after.

The older woman's gaze remained fixated on the little one, her smile warm and melancholic. Aurelia wishes to spend time with the two, but something told her she should skip ahead.

Without a soul, but you have a name, the mother thought as she rocked Ariana ever so slightly in her arms.

Floating throughout the lands to maintain my individuality for you... the only difference between our energy and that of souls is that one can be destroyed while others can't, right?

As the rocking stopped, Ariana slept in tranquillity. As she stared at the little one her own existence felt sick. Everything of that day was wildly printed in that part of her energy... the entity destroying her people, trapping their individuality within him. Only a quantum thread of Nuo's energy had escaped, drifting in time until it had found its way to this body, living like a parasite.

How cruel. We really should have never existed.

As each day passed, the woman found herself empathising with Vlad's thoughts and actions. The Wind Phoenexias were gone and this little one could live her life to the age of a human.

Exterminate all the unnecessary creatures. But then the energy will be trapped within Vlad. That's okay, just kill Vlad afterwards and everything will be reversed. All these beings were without souls. None of them was a living thing, anyway. 

Would it be possible to destroy the entity once it trapped such polarising energy? Perhaps that's why the Shadow Beings did what they did...

In her time she had seen too many living things wishing to die. The burden of work, the despair of emotions, the annoyance of thoughts...

Souls don't appreciate their own existence.

Some believed in a single existence, like that of the Wind Phoenexias. Some believed in the concept of souls going from place to place, facing choices and consequences, possibly somewhat governed by destiny, possibly somewhat governed by their past actions. Did that mean souls had individuality? Did they change?

Perhaps they are right, letting go into freedom would be better. Which existence is freer, if they are bound by their actions? Consequences embedded within the information of their soul. We will live once, we will die and be no more. We will have made our mark as we wanted, unbound by what comes after. A single existence.

One chance.

Which existence is more meaningful? Which is more merciful? Should the Demonic Creatures be ended in one swift blow like they were, marking a bitter end? What meaning did that display? She liked to believe that the Wind Phoenexias were honourable in their time's end, leaving a beautiful impact on their world. Or at least a kind one.

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