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This is a collection of random things I had written at some point, probably a thought that came to me suddenly or when I was trying to write something. Some of it may still be relevant to the story, some of it may be outdated, some may be a mix of both. Perhaps I'll use something from here in the future...


1. Individuality

Our vessels are built on the same fundamental structure; only the information varies, and that physical existence matters not. We have the same capacity of notions and are born with equal amounts of every emotion. It is what we express and what we recognise within ourselves, and what affects us subconsciously; the rest are merely unconscious. They can be awakened anytime in any circumstance.

Even the soul within us is a part of the one, it is of one sole form. We reach the same enlightenment, the same equilibrium and the same none-existing point; nothingness and that which is All.

What makes us different? How are we individuals with the exact same potential? The coinciding origin and end?

Memories, Experience, Personal...

2. Decoherence

A rip in the fabric of the Shadow Dimension means decoherence of existence. Only one universe will remain in existence, choosing it based on causality and probability. There shall be no more free will with all outcomes following the same path as chosen by that decoherence. No free will, nothing.

However, with actual information leaking out, something unexpected may indeed happen. information goes out of existence, it is no more, and this one universe will eventually blink out of existence. The question for rationality doesn't even stand.

There will be nothing. No information, no space, no god, no time, no truth.


Not even a void.

3. Something Vlad would say? (1)

As true beings of life, your existence is absolute.

Light experiences no time. Only energy that can create and be created from destruction of opposites.

However, this is only a title created for the simplicity of physical beings. Physically yes, they are like light. But in abstract means... they don't experience, but they are aware. Everything is timeless. Memories are nothing but fragments of information that do not require a chain of time. They have learned, so now they are.

And yet sometimes they return to the physical world... Why?

For an experience of time, perhaps?

4. Something Vlad, or Audrey, or Jack would say? 

Living things, bound by nature, we cannot always understand their struggles. That is why we become more like them.

What do you do when the people you want to see are scattered across three places, all difficult to reach, and you are required to be in a fourth place?

What do you do when you miss goodbye by mere minutes, and time floods regret into your head?

What do you do when you wish to contact them, but are separated by the running time?

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but that is not without pain.

Too long and you'll forget.

5. Vlad and Audrey 

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