5. E Major's Song

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The cold but gentle breeze brought a sense of peace to Elek's mind as he skipped along the sidewalk, admiring the beauty of Nature along the city life. The enormous trees gave a tranquil feeling to the busy and modernised streets, and the smell of fresh flowers from a garden nearby almost reminded him of Sylva Vita.

Elek slowed down as his mind fell into deep thought. Technology was something he was in awe of, and he loved its development, but not at the cost of Nature. The two side by side, though, were like a wonderful and peaceful combination of black and white. Which was black and which was white he couldn't always decide, but it hardly mattered to him.

Audrey has made me too philosophical, Elek thought in a humorously vengeful voice, continuing to skip aimlessly.

He turned his gaze towards the twinkling sky, the glow of the stars comforting him in a way he didn't understand. People around him walked in their busy styles or sat in their vehicles with a serious expression, a little dark smoke hovering above their heads, but nothing more than that. He crossed a little park, and his heart warmed at the sight of little children playing with a carefree face, living in the present. The adults around there also chatted without stress, seeming rather healthy and happy.

Suddenly, Elek stopped, an astonished expression on his face as he saw an unexpected sight.

"What the..."

A girl, who looked not more than fourteen, sat in a wheelchair with her earphones in her ears as she closed her eyes with a genuine smile on her face. Her blonde hair was tied messily and she sank back, putting her arms behind her head with a satisfied expression. She took deep breaths, a halcyon glow surrounding her face as the wind played with her hair, and she seemed to have lost herself in the moment.

However, she was surrounded by two despairing creatures. They rubbed their dishevelled blue hair as they cried with no stop, and a small, fragile creature looked to the ground with a depressed and fearful look.


The girl slowly opened her eyes, revealing a circle of a gentle and light brown shining as it reflected the evening sky. Her smile didn't diminish in the least, and she looked around her surroundings with interest and happiness. She slowly turned her small face towards the sky, and her jawline became firm, giving her a bold look.

Suddenly, her eyes set in Elek's direction, and she frowned slightly, a minute and confused smile remaining. Elek didn't move his gaze, trying to understand the situation as he held his breath.

The girl suddenly brought her arms to the wheels, turning towards her right as she moved the chair in that direction. A few loose strands of her hair fell onto her face and she scrunched her nose as she shook her head. A playful smile came on her face as the headphones still stayed firm in her ears, although she greeted most passers-by with a gentle nod and a smile.

Elek couldn't help but want to follow her, intrigued by the human, which was rather odd for him. However, before doing so, he turned towards the demonic creatures, closing his eyes in deep thought.

Please let this work, Elek thought with hope, opening his eyes.

Elek brought two long, thin needles from his pocket, the fragrance of fresh flowers filling the air as it masked the strong power it was coated with. Elek took a deep breath, his forehead wrinkled, but he did his best to stay calm. The sight of the violet glow against the soft petals formed in his mind as he remembered picking it from near the lake. He wasn't happy with the action as every minuscule life was important. Nonetheless, all negativity ran away from him when the flower was held between his thin fingers as if its radiations were purifying his.

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