#19 Father

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My father is a tall man, not only in height. Even when I was young, I knew I'd a father like no one else did. It was hard to pin point at the time, but I just knew.

I can probably count in my hands the number of times I've seen him. We've hardly ever interacted. But the few times we did, I came to fear him even more each time.

Then I hated him — on the days following his visits — when my mother's eyes were always red in the mornings.

On the days my mother suddenly sent me away with Silas somewhere, I knew my father was visiting. She did her best to keep me off his sight.

If I ever have to sum up in one word the man in front of me, donned head to toe in black, I would say, "Cold."

In his overbearing voice, my father says, "Heard from your headmistress of your grades. Good. I'm proud of you."

"T-Thank you."

I glance at the man, standing near the sidewall. Another tall man; again, not just in height. Unlike my father, Dominic is thin and has a scholarly air about him. Dominic is my father's shadow, going everywhere where my father goes.

Father picks up the loose sheets of papers I'd secured in the envelope before going to bed. "Headmistress also said you plan to apply for Leraster. I thought she was mistaken."

"I l-like Leraster."

"You like Leraster?" father says and laughs, and turns to Dominic. "Since when my kids thought they could do whatever they like, Dominic?"

The papers in his hand are on flames, and the tears I fought to hold back stream down.

Not even the ashes remain.

My father gets up.

I instinctively move back a step.

He says, "The only reason I gave you any freedom was because of your mother. Clearly that got into your head. So listen to me well, because I won't repeat myself. Next month your ascension will be held. If your Alka isn't suitable, you'll be engaged to Val. If he's okay with it, you can enroll to the Whitestone University. Understood?"

Blind from the tears, I nod.

"In the mean time, do not cause trouble." He snaps his fingers and Trick flews out of his room and suspends in the air. Trick starts suffocating.

"No. No, father, please! I'll do anything you say. Please! Please! Please! Don't hurt him. I'm sorry! Please, don't hurt him!"

I can't bring Trick down. I can't do anything except kneel and beg.

Trick drops to the floor, coughing. I quickly take him in my arms.

"Getting yourself attached to a filthy animal, you are weaker than your mother."

With that, my father, and his men, leave us alone.

I hug Trick tightly and keep crying, till Trick starts whining. I use my wand to heal Trick's neck and put him to sleep, and erase his memory of what happened.

After I lay him down on his basket, I look around the room. All these spells I've put over the room.... What use they were against the one man we had to hide from the most? The one man I can't cast a spell against.

I wish I was never born.

The door bell rings, chilling my spine. I go open the door carefully.

Hayden says, "You okay? I felt you w—"

I pull him inside and kiss him with ample tears once again gracing my cheeks. He kisses me back but keeps his hands away. He grabs the corner of the nearest wall.

In a few seconds, his hand breaks the wall, causing us to pull away from each other.

I look at the huge hole with multiple cracks on all sides of the wall, and then back at him.

"Sorry," he says, struggling to calm down from whatever it is he's feeling. "Give me a second."

Now, half crying and half laughing, I say, "You're an idiot."

But you're my idiot.

Seeing his face, I feel like I can breathe again.

There was a time I wouldn't have dared to imagine going against my father. But not now. Because escaping my father's clutch not only means freedom. Now it also means I get Hayden.

But how do I get Hayden without putting either of us in danger when I couldn't even keep Trick away from harm's way?

Like my father said, I really am weak.

What do I do?

I start to feel dizzy.

Hayden says, "Riva, you okay?"

"I'm just tired a bit. I should lie down," I say and hold his shirt. "Will you stay with me?"

He looks hurt. "I can't, Riva. From your pain I felt before, to the kiss, my wolf is... It's not safe for y—"

I lean against his chest, between his arms. "This is the only safe place for me."

And knowing that, I let my consciousness slip away. 

A/N — I'm so thankful I got to tell you more love stories this year. I hope my writing had improved, and will continue to do so.  Always feel free to drop a feedback in the comments. Means a lot! 

Have a Happy New Year 🎉

See you in 2022! 

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