#16 Figuring out

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A/N — Hey, guys! Just delivering your early Christmas present ;) Can't believe 2021 is coming to an end. Do you have any new year resolution? Let me know in the comments :) Happy Holidays!

I have all the necessary grades to secure an admission at any institution I want for my higher studies — Professor Cronan gave me an A.

So I'm not nervous when on the third day of the final term I'm scheduled into a meeting with the school counselor, Jeremiah.

Our last term is basically a transition period, and a chance to retake the exams for the kids that didn't do well.

What I wasn't prepared for is Jeremiah's disappointed face.

"With your grades and skills, you can get into any college you want, Rita," he says, "Why Leraster's School of Witchcraft is your first, and only, choice?"

He drops on the table the folder with my academic papers and the counseling form I'd so meticulously filled last night amidst Trick's tantrum for late night worm snacks.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with Leraster. "They have the widest selection of courses with options to change classes mid term. I want to try different courses."

Which is true. Leraster is the only college that's lenient on its students and is open to let them experiment and figure out what discipline of sorcery they'd like to pursue as their careers.

"I get that," Jeremiah says, interlocking his fingers. "But Rita, someone of your capability should be in Whitestone University."

I don't let the bitterness show on my face. The other reason I picked Leraster is because it's the farthest from the Whitestone Province.

"I've made up my mind, sir, I want to go to Leraster."

Seeing me determined about it, Jeremiah reluctantly hands me Leraster's application brochure.

I leave his office with relief.

Going away to Leraster will take me far from everything I can't resolve yet.

IN MY APARTMENT, Tressie is on the floor playing with Trick. Even though she gave me an earful for not returning Trick yet to Chelsea, she's the most attached to Trick.

My cousin is back from her work, but had asked me to keep Trick for a while longer. And I didn't refuse. I like having Trick around. It's nice not having to come back to an empty apartment every day.

"He's growing fast," Jo says from next to me on the couch.

"I cleared up the spare room for him. It should be fine till we graduate."


"I'll figure it out."

It's not that I'm irresponsible, but worrying when I know I can't find the answer yet is useless.

"I heard something about Hayden," Jo says.

I look at her.

"There's talk going around that he'll become Alpha next month."

That takes me by surprise. "This soon?"

Hayden has already graduated recently. But I didn't know he could get the title this early.

"He didn't say anything?" Jo asks.

"No. But I think he was going to visit the day I came back. He didn't."

"You need to talk to him about it."


"From what I know, Alphas don't stay long without their mates."

"Even so. I haven't ascended yet, so we should be fine," I say.

"And that's another problem," Jo reminds me.

"Not if I get into Leraster."

The final reason I'm aiming for Leraster is because it's the only college that accepts students who haven't ascended yet. I plan on postponing my ascension for a few years. By then, I should've figured out what to do with Hayden being my Alka.

"Can Hayden manage that long?" Jo asks me.

If she knew Hayden had already wondered about having sex with me then she probably wouldn't even have to ask that question.

Even if he can't manage for that long, things wouldn't have to hurry if I go to Leraster.

The most important thing right now is to stay clear of Whitestone.

After my friends leave and Trick has gone to sleep, the doorbell rings.

It's Hayden.

I don't bother telling him he shouldn't be here, because I wanted to see him.

He squats down besides a sleeping Trick. "He's grown since I last saw him."

Half asleep, Trick squeals. Hayden gently picks him up. Trick nudges closer to Hayden's chest, and is fully asleep with his body splayed.

It's the first time I'm seeing Trick sleeping without curled up. And then it occurs to me: Hayden, being a werewolf, is warmer than me and the room. And dragons love heat. I should increase the temperature in Trick's room.

Hayden takes Trick to the living room. I sit next to them on the couch. Hayden says, "He's growing too fast."

"He'll be fine. The room is large enough."

"What about his training?"

What Hayden means by training is to prepare Trick for the release in the wild.

One of the many reasons dragons are hard to raise is because they can't be domesticated. However, a dragon grown in captivity will not survive in the wild without proper training. Trick has to hone his hunting and, more importantly, flying skills. And he can't do that without guidance.

"He's too young," I say.

"In a week, he'll be ready."

"I can't risk taking him outside. Also there's no ground in the coven where he could be trained."

"I have space in my packland. I can train him."

"And why would you do that?"

"In return, let me kiss you."

I smile. "Is that your move? Use Trick to lure me into your arms?"

"Worth trying." He softly places Trick into the basket and moves closer to me.

"What are you doing?"

"I missed you," he says, taking me by surprise.

He leans closer and closer, till I move away.

"Any news on Yates Boldman?" I say, changing the mood and reminding us why we aren't together in the first place.

Hayden sighs. "Not yet. But I'm positive something will pop up. Now, here's what I came here for," he says taking out a small red box and giving it to me.

"What's this?" I say, opening the box. There's a pair of diamond earrings inside.

"I'm taking the Alpha title tomorrow," he says.

Taken aback, I ask, "Tomorrow?! I thought it was like a month away."

"Plans changed. Now, if it were up to me I would have you in the ceremony next to me, but I know you will refuse. So let me at least take you out for dinner tomorrow night."

"Hayden, we c—"

"Riva, I don't know how things will turn out with us, or how we got here in the first place. What I do know is I can't stop thinking about you. I know you'll dismiss this as our bond talking. But I don't care. Take it however you like. All I want is you. And truth be told, if I could hold you without hurting you I wouldn't be this well-behaving."

Blushing, I look away.

He leans in and kisses my cheek. "Please be my date tomorrow night. It would mean the world to me,"

All I could do is nod. 

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