#24 Ivana Boldman

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Mouth gape open, I look between Sloane and Hayden. What did he just say? Did he call the woman Ivana?

I stop at Sloane. Even though I've not seen many vampires I can tell one immediately. We all can.

So how could Sloane be one? With her sun kissed cheeks, crow's feet, and laugh lines — she can't be.

Sloane laughs. "You've a keen perception, Alpha."

Oh my God!

Sloane looks at me. "Along with stubborn, your mate seems to be sharp too."

I cover my mouth. Oh my God!

She continues to laugh. "And you're too cute for your own good, Riva. I say, you two are a perfect match indeed."

"Y-You are Ivana?"

She nods.

"But, but, you look—"

"I've lived centuries among humans, and had a human mate. I blend in well."

I look at Hayden. His eyes are focused on her. "I'm assuming Yates is no longer."

Ivana gives a soft smile. "He passed away a long time ago. But he'll always be with me."

"I'm sorry," I tell her.

She nods and turns to Hayden. "Now I'm sure you both are not here just to prove some children's story. What do you want from me?"

I've thought of a million questions to ask if I ever meet her. If I ever meet her. I still can't believe she's real.

"How did you sleep with Yates without hurting him?" Hayden says.

Shocked, I look at him. What on earth he just asked her?

And then, I get scared, and turn to Ivana. I've an idea how it was possible. If she tells him, he'll know I've been lying to him.

Ivana looks at me. It's a knowing glance. "You didn't tell him?"

I look down at my fingers.

"What do you mean?" Hayden asks.

"I believe you should discuss this with your mate, Alpha."

"She said it's not possible — I can't touch her without hurting her."

I could feel Ivana staring at me. And then Hayden's stern voice falls on my ears. "Did you lie, Riva?"

"I was eventually going to tell you."

Hayden abruptly stands up. "Sorry for troubling you, Ivana. We'll leave the first thing in the morning."

He turns around and leaves.

"Hayden!" I call after him. I didn't expect this. I thought he would shout at me. I prefer he gets angry at me. Why did he leave?

I bite my lips and try to not tear up.

A gentle hand touches my shoulder. "Don't worry. He won't be mad at you for long. No mate can be," Ivana says.

"I'm sorry."

"That's okay," she says and gives me a glass of water. "What about you?" she says, "I'm assuming you also have questions."

I put down the empty glass. "The old man at the bakery shop."

"My great great grandson."

"You had kids with Yates?"

She nods. "At first, I didn't want to. I couldn't bear to outlive my children. But then, whenever I looked at Yates I wondered what his son or daughter would look like. And I knew he really wanted to be a father. We had one son and one daughter."

"They were humans?"

"From what I know, children of inter-racial couple inherit their father's race."

"You know other pairs like us?"

"I've met a few in my lifetime."

"And were they all together? They didn't...."

"They didn't break their bond, Riva."

I avert my eyes back to my fingers. "But, is it possible?"


My fingers clutch each other tight.

"Just as the bonds between same race mates, inter-racial mates' bonds can be severed, too."

After a while of me not replying, Ivana places her hand on my shoulder again. "At first, I was wondering why you didn't bear his mark on your neck. The way you two look at each other, I can tell there's love. I see it especially in your eyes. You are very fond of him, and you haven't even ascended yet for your powers to establish him as your Alka."

She leans into me. "But I get it now. You see, I've a gift. I can read the minds of those I touch."

I look at her, surprised. Then at her hand on my shoulder. I quickly get up and away from her.

She smiles. "It's okay. I understand your hesitation."

"H-He can't know."

"I won't tell him. But you should, Riva. Your Alka is extraordinary. I haven't met many Alphas as strong and sharp as him. The one you're scared of — I believe Hayden can handle him."

"No," I quickly say. "If you know who he is, then you know why Hayden can't know. And why no one can know about me and Hayden. I'm not strong yet to protect Hayden."

"You don't have to be," Ivana says. "There was a time when I'd to fight off my coven to protect Yates. At those times, I doubted if it really was best for Yates to stay with me. But you see, eventually I realized, I wasn't the one protecting Yates. He was protecting me. He was braver than I can ever be. He was my strength. And that was my human mate. Whereas for you, I don't see why you can't realize how strong your mate is."

"It's not just about strength. That man... he is evil. I don't want Hayden to fight him. It's my fight."

Ivana stands up. "Not anymore, Riva. Hayden didn't come this far to know if his bond with you can be severed. He came here to know how to bind it forever. Whatever you'll face in life from now on, Riva, Hayden will step before you to face it first. The sooner you realize that the less pain you both will be in."

She kisses me on the head and leaves.

I stay back for a while wondering what I should tell him tomorrow. He'll ask me so many questions. Ivana is right — I should tell Hayden everything.


The image of Trick suffocating flashes before my eyes. I also think of my mother, Silas, and my life back home. Everything I want to protect will be upended. And I'm not ready.

I'm not.  

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