Maandag 15:15 - Text (January 13th 2020)

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Vader: Hallo Lucas.

Your mother and stepmother are getting along nicely.
I know it feels weird that she is living with us, but it is
what is best for her at the moment. I wish I could invite you

to stay with us while she's here, but you know there

isn't any more space.

Can't you ask Kes, if you can live with him for a while,

so you don't have to be alone? His parents are so nice.

Tot ziens, Vader.

Lucas: i'll ask him. can you send money for dinner?

Vader: Hallo Lucas.

OK, but you should invest your time in getting a job, I

can't keep providing for both you and your mother.

It's no longer my job, you're 17.

I've sent you 200 euros.

Tot ziens, Vader.

Lucas: ok

Van Der Stoffels (Jens x Lucas) (2019)Where stories live. Discover now