Chapter II: Nothing's Wrong

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"I know it's my fault,
but I thought it a lie.
I wished I believed
when you said you had cried."


Seraphina's POV

It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since he became king, two weeks since he made the Royal's reputation crumble to dust, and two weeks since I found he betrayed me for his childhood morals.

It hasn't been easy, but you know what it has been?


Two weeks.

I sighed and softly turned my body to properly face the view of the school, my arms still cupped around legs—held tightly to my torso.

While my vision was slightly blocked by the wired fence that sat in front of my eyes, I could still see just fine.

The students who sprinkled the fields of concrete and grass slowly paced their way around the grounds—all talking or playing together in their own little worlds.

I turned back to my phone that lay atop of my knee, and just looked at the blank, black screen.

There was nothing I wanted to do anymore. The joy of . . . everything had been drained from my life. There were things I could do, but nothing I wanted to.

To be honest, during this time I realised something: having someone you love leave you is worse than being alone.

Far worse.

I was suddenly withdrawn from my thoughts by the sound of the rooftop door opening and a pitter-patter of shoes that came closer to me as they seconds went by.

An eye from my phone lifted to see Remi quietly approaching. Her cheek seemed pinched by the teeth in her mouth and brows were furrowed downward—lightly resting on the tips of her eyelids.

"H-hey, Sera?" she asked as she politely stood in front of me, arms laced neatly in front of her swaying skirt.

I fully looked up from my phone to meet my face to hers, "Yeah?" I replied in a tone that held little emotion to anybody who heard.

Remi gaped her mouth to speak, but hesitated. "What . . . what happened between you and John?" she finally asked me, tilting her head and gently smiling down at me ever so slightly as she stood there, skirt still swaying gently in the wind.

My eyes vaguely widened at the abruptness of the question, "What do you mean?" What could she mean?

Remi moved to beside me and gently slid down the roof fence, little 'chinks' deflecting from the metal as she fell. "Haven't you seen the state he's in?" she asked me, a little shock in her voice at my cluelessness.

I looked emptily back down to my phone, squinting my eyes as to stay neutral. "Yes, but what makes you think I had anything to do with it? There could be many things that would effect an unstable mind such as his," I heard myself retort to her comment.

Remi abruptly clicked her fingers, hair snapping behind her with the force of her movement as she twirled her head to face me.

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