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A gloomy atmosphere set between everyone. Nobody dared to speak, allowing Carol to grieve by holding her baby girl. Everyone gave the lady some space, not wanting to rush her. It's sad how a young soul was taken away.

Rick blamed himself for not staying with the little girl. After all, if he only listened to (Y/n), everything would've been normal.

However, Carol wasn't the only one who was breaking down. Beth ran to a certain walker, crouching down in front of it. A lady that didn't seem to be that old.

Dirty blond hair, similar eyes, definitely her mother. The rest of her facial features weren't that clear, since there was a huge bite on the left side of her face.

(Y/n) was about to allow her to let her hold the dead body, but a finger twitching caught (Y/n)'s attention. Not even hesitating, (Y/n) stepped on the walker's chest, keeping it down.

"What are you doing?!" Beth madly yelled at (Y/n), with tears of disbelief running down her cheeks. Just as she said that the walker grabbed onto (Y/n)'s leg. It wasn't worrying (Y/n) at all, due to her having the advantage of putting all her weight on a walker that's laying down.

"Can't you see that this is a monster? This isn't the person you knew before, look at how desperately she's trying to bite me." (Y/n) was speaking in a gentle tone, not wanting to anger the other lady.

The walker latched onto (Y/n)'s leg, causing (Y/n) to lose balance a little but she quickly regained her steadiness. Fall or staying on top of the walker wouldn't make any difference, due to Shane shooting the walker without any hesitation. His brown eyes fell upon her legs, ensuring that there wasn't a bite.

From the shock, Beth's cries stopped for a bit. Shane quickly rushed to (Y/n), but he only received a disappointed look from her. "You know I could've handled it, at least allowed the girl to take a good look at this walker for one last time." (Y/n)'s gentle voice held distress, but Shane didn't regret what he did for a second.

The man held her hands into his larger ones, pulling her a little closer to him. "(Y/n), wake up to reality. That was a dead person, well, undead. Killing them won't hurt them, as it's safer than allowing them to bite Beth or even worse, bite you." He didn't even try to keep his voice low.

(Y/n) knew he was right, so she didn't try to argue with him. Her mouth opened to apologize, but she stopped when she noticed that his eyes were averted in another direction. They were glaring with murderous intent at the old man and his family.

"No no no..." (Y/n) held Shane's arm, as he harshly pulled away from her. Yes, he didn't mean any harm to her, but he needed to talk to Hershel.

"So, you knew the whole time about a little girl being in your barn but you didn't even tell us about her?" (Y/n) and Rick immediately went after Shane, knowing that he's a hothead that'll only cause a ruckus.

Rick was just as pissed off as Shane, but he perfectly hid his anger. Why? Because he wanted a safe place for (Y/n), Carl, and the unborn child that Lori's pregnant with. He knows for a fact that it isn't his, but he doesn't want any child to live a horrible childhood.

"I didn't know that she's the girl," Hershel spoke without looking at Shane, proceeding to walk to his house with Beth in his arms. He might be a selfish stranger, but he is a great father.

"LIAR!" Shane yelled as Rick pushed Shane back. After all, Shane was so close to punching the old man.

"You left (Y/n) and Daryl go all the way out in the forest to search for the 'lost' girl, nearly die in the process, only to find out she's been in that barn?!" Shane was currently held back by Glenn and Rick, which perfectly set him in place. Rick alone definitely won't be able to keep him in place.

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