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"You're in no position to be whining, complaining, or even whispering. It's your problem we're in this place, with hardly any food to eat." Daryl impatiently pounded his foot on the fallen leaves underneath him.

Locating a secure residence to sleep in was difficult, so ultimately they took turns in switching shifts while the other slept.

"Hey come on, it's not that bad. Our life, even before this mess was almost the same." Merle couldn't see what's Daryl mad about, so he wasn't bothered about changing anything.

"That was before I came upon people who acknowledge my existence." Daryl leaned against the coarse tree trunk, letting out a huff of aggravation. Having Merle with him isn't like he anticipated, that lonesome sensation in his heart didn't fade away.

"They're using you, just a scapegoat." Merle attempted to manipulate him, but Daryl knew his worth to that group. At first, he was an outsider. That was because he constantly pursued Merle, and never went his path.

"Believe what you want, but I'm not a loner like you, not anymore," Daryl declared, confident with what he was saying. At least, he is not a recluse when (Y/n) is around.

Kicking the crunchy leaves, Daryl dwelled about how he left the only person who loved him for who he is. Not as a scapegoat, nor Merle's younger brother.

"If you're thinking about going back to the prison, leave. It'll be a party for you, not me. They hate my guts, such a shame." Merle grumbled, not earning a word back from Daryl. Seems like someone is in deep thought.

"Sooner or later, your friends will be gone anyways." Merle took a couple of steps, getting him ahead of Daryl.

"What do you mean?" Daryl caught up, intrigued by what Merle had to say about his ridiculous statement.

"Oh, I mean The Governor plans to attack anytime soon."


"Thanks to the little boy, we were able to enter safety." Tyreese, one of the new members shared his gratitude to (Y/n) and the little boy. Out of everyone, he and Sasha, his younger sister, seemed to be the most trustworthy. Yet, Rick didn't seem to trust them.

"I'm glad, he's the smartest boy." (Y/n) embraced Carl, who proudly had his chest puffed up.

"So, the area where you entered was busted open?" Glenn concentrated on the more vital part, being distressed that walkers might flood in again and find their way toward the group.

"I inspected it earlier, the doors easily open. It'll be a piece of cake for humans, especially when walkers wandered through with no trouble." Maggie squatted next to (Y/n), staring at the self-drawn map of the prison interior.

"I think we should reinforce it more. We attacked Woodbury, their leader must be thinking of a way to attack. He's a sick man..." (Y/n) muttered, wanting to protect her people from that psychopath.

"Why are we waiting for him? We can attack him, put a bullet in his head." Out of all, Glenn was the most looking forward to wiping out that man. Not only did The Governor allow one of his men to torture him, but he inappropriately interacted with his beloved.

"I'm... we're not going back." (Y/n) would rather cut both of her legs off than step into that hellhole again. A frown creased (Y/n)'s temples, exhibiting her frustration.

"You don't have to come, (Y/n)," Glenn took her hands into his, not blaming her for being uneasy about the plan, "but I'm going to end this."

"Glenn... you alone will be nothing. You're spirited and all, but compared to him, you're just a pest." (Y/n) wasn't afraid to speak what was on her mind, it will entitle Glenn to see the harsh reality.

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