Chapter Nine.

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To the arrive at the airport it took three hours. They woke up at six to get there early. Lily slept at Snow's house.

Lily fell asleep on the way there. Snow texted Jojo. She couldn't help but feel a very warm feeling. They arrived early but on time.

The airport was PACKED. Lots of people had the same idea on traveling to spend to the holidays with their families or whoever they were going to spend it,, or just go on a vacation.

They headed to the check in line, after that, to the security area. As they were waiting on line to the security check in area. Gabby and Brianna went to the bathroom. Lily sipped her hot chocolate and looked around.

"Dang! Guess these people had the same ideas as us," Lily said seeing how the airport was full. Snow nodded.

Gabby and Brianna returned and just in time. They put their suitcase and bags on the conveyer belt, took shoes and jackets and put them in a bin. After that, they went thought the metal detector then they hurried to go to their gate. However it was another hour for their plane to arrived.

However Lily needed to go to the bathroom, also Snow. After they were done they announced that the plane arrived, and that they were going to start boarding they hurried to where their parents were but they were gone!

Snow pointed to where they were.

"Come on!" They hurried, they started boarding. They sat on their row seats But then there was a problem.

They didn't see their parents anywhere! Gabby assured they were just seated in another row. Snow didn't worry much.

They began with the emergency video. Lily was having a panic attack if there were going to be a water landing. Snow, Gabby, and Brianna managed to calm her down. After some people asked questions and the flight attendant, the plane began rolling on the tarmac, and then it was flying in the air.

The three of them took a nap. Lily didn't take nap she wanted to make sure they were in the same plane as her friend's parents, she asked the flight attendant to where they were heading.

He laughed. "To Minnesota, miss,"



Lily's eyes widen like saucers. They were supposed to be heading to New York. She was panicking.

Should I wake them up and tell them? Lily though she was having a panic attack inside. She was tapping her fingers on her seat armrests, with concern. She texted Snow's parents, but they didn't answered. Lily got up and went to the bathroom. She called Snow's mom, luckily she answered.

"Hello? Oh Lily!"

"Hello, Mrs. Taylor. and the others got on the wrong plane. We are heading to Minneapolis..."

There was a long silence.

"What?! Minnesota? howa-how did you girls ended up on the wrong plane?!"

"When we came out of the bathroom, we followed to some people who we thought were you guys...but we ended on the wrong plane..."

"Okay, just hang in Minneapolis. I'm still in the plane heading to New York. I'll tell the other parents, thanks for letting me know Lily! We will get to you  girls okay?"

"Okay Mrs. Taylor."

"Meanwhile explore Minneapolis okay? Visit the mall Mall of America and don't worry or panic!"




That hang up. Lily returned to her seat. Her friends woke up. She told them about what happened. Snow was excited because she was going to different state besides  New York. Gabby was getting worried and Brianna was crying.

"Shhh, calm down, Bri. Everything will be fine. Here." Lily said while comforting her friend. She handed Brianna favorite type of chocolate bar.

"It's okay! Besides let's go to The Mall of America."

Brianna smiled. "Thank you." she said shyly.

After three hours they arrived in Minneapolis, Minneapolis. They called a Uber, they got in and decided to stay for the night at a hotel.

They got two rooms one for Lily and Snow and the other for  Gabby and Brianna. They called their parents and after lots of promises and whining they hang up.

Snow sighed as she put her luggage on the floor.

"What a day for mixups huh?" She look out the big window of their room. Lily smiled.

"Come on! Besides it's not like Minneapolis is just a old boring city, it has lots of things," Snow gave her a small nod.

"I guess" but she wasn't too convinced.

They went to The Mall of America. They were in total awe. There was even a wedding happening! Lily eyes widen, her big round eyes with total awe.

They were hungry so they headed to the food court. They decided to explore the mall. It had lots of things, water park, mini ball pit, kids play area, rollar coaster, four floors you name it!

They went to a store called Tomodachi.
It had lot of cute things there, plushies, drinks, Japanese stuff.

But as they were looking at the plushies someone grabbed Snow's purse and ran with it. Snow gasped "My purse!"  she shrieked.

They ran after the guy who was in all black, his hoodie over his head. They went following him but then they stopped.

The guy went to a empty store but it said  Still in work. Somehow, some way he managed to get past the security guards. Snow guessed there was something there that people stole and that's why they had security guards They tried to go in but they wouldn't let them.

"Please! Some guy grabbed me purse and he went in there!" Snow pleaded with panic.

The security guard rolled his eyes "Yeah right! Some excuse LISTEN KIDS. YOU SAW THE SIGN NO ALLOWED!" He pushed them away, the other security guard nodded. Lily, Snow, Gabby and Brianna sighed they went back.

"My purse! Oh, why did I bring my purse? I should've have left it in the room" she sat on a bench, completely panicking.

"It's not your fault, that bitc-‐" she was about to say it but a couple with their daughter passed by.  Snow pursed her lips together.

"Oh never mind!"

"Don't worry, I have a plan," Lily said with a smirk on her face.

Snow covered her face with her hands, Brianna looked scared, Gabby groaned.

"Oh no, Lily what is it?" Snow asked. Usually Lily's ideas were crazy and chaotic but she didn't had a choice. The security guard wouldn't let them if they asked for the second time.

"Listen guys, it's going to be very easy. And if plan A doesn't work. I have Plan B ready! Just follow me okay?"

Snow, Gabby, and Brianna looked at each other. They didn't have another option. When Lily told them her plan. It was like just say.........


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