Chapter Twenty Eight

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The big day was here. The Annual Baking Sale.

The girls of the baking/cooking club met  and they waited for Ms. Wilson. The girls grabbed an apron and put it on. They began discussing which desserts to bake first. It was 7:30 a.m and the girls are already ready for baking.

"I think we should bake the brownies first," Kayla suggested. Mia shook her head.

"No, we should bake the cookies first. Specifically the chocolate chip ones," Kayla rolled her eyes. "You just want to bake the cookies first so you can eat one as soon as they are finish, cookie monster."

Mia stared at her, "Uh, no! The brownies take a little bit more time and the cookies don't,"

"My suggestion is better, brownies. Girl, do your research better and then talk,"

"Guys, let's bake the cookies first," Mia said ignoring Kayla's comment.

"No, brownies first!" Kayla protested.

"No, cookies!" Mia shout back.





"CUPCAKES!" everyone turn to see Lily glaring at them. She took out the mixer and raised her eyebrow at the girls.

"Let's do the cupcakes first," Veronica quietly said. Kayla and Mia looked at each other and shrugged. "Okay!"

Just then, Ms. Wilson arrived and was happy to see the girls already baking.

"I see you girls already baking, excellent! And I see you are going to bake the cupcakes. Just what I was about to say." Everyone except Ms. Wilson turn to look at Lily. Miss Know-It All.

The girls began baking. Ms. Wilson reminded them to focus, especially on Kayla and Andrea who were just playing around.

Between classses, the girls would leave their class and rushed to the room to continue baking. The event would begin at 5:30 p.m to prepare everything and organize. The girls quickly finished their lunch and return.

By 1 p.m the girls already baked the cupcakes, brownies and cookies. They took a quick break before starting the chocolate cake.

Finally at 4:30, they finished baking, decorating, and cleaning up. They baked 5 cakes, one red velvet and the rest chocolate. The girls were exhausted and Ms. Wilson decided to let them rest since they worked so hard. She and some other teachers helped prepare by setting tables in the Cafeteria. Ms. Wilson baked some pies, she wanted to ask Lily to make some chocolate covered strawberries but she figured it would be too much for her. Although she knew well that Lily wouldn't say no, but still.

At 5.30 parents and students began arriving. Snow, Jojo, Gabby, and Brianna also came. Lily was sleeping in the baking room due to exhaustion as well as the other members. Ms. Wilson had to wake them up to help her.

Lily drank a energy drink to help her keep wake from dozing off and accidentally fall to the ground.

As soon as they saw Lily, Snow and the others rushed toward her.

"Heyy! These looks soo good! The cupcakes, oh my gosh." Snow gushed. She took a bite of her brownie. Lily smiled weakly. "I'm glad."

People pay and the desserts began flying. Ms. Wilson was so proud of the members.

"These cookies are so good!" A boy said. He pay it and left to try the brownies. People loved the desserts. The cakes flew with people paying extra,

Even the principal and teachers try the desserts and were amazed by the girls baking skills.

Pretty soon, all the desserts were gone and the school earned more that what they shouldn't have earn. The principal Mr. Hale said a speech thanking the members and Ms. Wilson for baking all the wonderful treats. Everyone congratulate them. After everything was cleaned up and put away. Ms. Wilson thanked the members and pay them!"

"You girls have been so wonderful, I cannot thank you enough." Andrea looked at her, "You don't have to pay us. It's okay!" But Ms. Wilson insisted, finally the girls gave in.

The members all waited for their parents who were chatting with other parents except Lily.

"Hey! To celebrate our achievement or success, anyone want to go out for dinner tomorrow? I'm inviting everyone!" Nadia said. The girls looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure, thank you!"


"Why not,"

"Yea, sure."


Lily called her driver and when they arrived home, Lily went upstairs and flopped on her bed completely exhausted but very happy with today's day.

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