4: School Time

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Hey Everyone, updating early on during the day as it's the last day of the year! Woooooo....

Hope everyone enjoys this one! Leave a comment, give me feedback! Or let me know what your new years resolution is.

I hope everyone has a great start to the new year! I've got lot's of updates planned.

Much love,



School Time

The next day I headed to school with a feeling of incredible dread in the pit of my stomach. I'd uncovered the Sharkfell Island secret; that pool had given me the ability to turn into a mermaid at the touch of water. It would be hard to face Dev, especially if he'd spoken with Matt and they suspected something. On top of that school was a hazard zone, though it wasn't likely that I'd get splashed with water, the chance was there. There were many factors I couldn't control after all.

I'd lain tossing and turning all night, wondering whether I should fess up to the McLaren's what had happened to me. Did they know how to change me back? Would they help me? Where they like this too? I'd dismissed that last thought, for one I'd seen Dev with his feet in the surf just yesterday and Matt had been kitesurfing. Clearly they could get wet so they couldn't be like me.

My first class had Layla in it but not Jamie or Dev, which made for a slightly uncomfortable experience. Layla was clearly furious with me and had incited some of the other girls as well, causing them to angrily glare or snap at me at every opportunity. It was bad enough to the point of the teacher noticing and asking if something was going on. I had the pleasure of serenely and pleasantly responding that I wasn't aware of any problem and that was that.

It was during lunch that I finally got my first look at Jamie and the paint job I'd done on her, via my bag. The school had been abuzz with stories and speculation about it all morning though and it had managed to put me in such a good mood that I didn't worry about meeting Dev any more.

Jamie had worn a long sleeved shirt with a high collar to school today, which was clearly uncomfortable in the hot summer weather. It also wasn't enough to hide the splashes of blue that covered her extensively. Below her more conservative than usual skirt you could see splotches on her legs and her hands were almost black from it. Splatters had even made it onto her face and in her hair.

I expected her to confront me, to blame me for her misfortune but other than haughtily lifting her chin and glaring at me she said nothing. In fact she flounced away after a minute, followed by her usual friends. I felt only a little sorry when I heard the snickering that followed her. She had deserved the payback, but nobody deserved to be bullied so I hoped she'd be alright in a few days again. The color should in theory fade in not too long.

Dev appeared out of nowhere, for once without his best friend Mitchell, and plopped himself down on the ground beside me. I'd been calmly eating my lunch on the front lawn and was a little startled by his sudden appearance. Especially when without any introduction he said: "What happened yesterday? Did you end up going to Sharkfell?"

"Hello to you too Dev," I said, smiling at him in an attempt not to get him riled before we were even halfway through this conversation. Judging from his question he hadn't spoken with Matt yet. Derailed he blinked his brown eyes at me and shook his head, "Uhm... Yeah hello Dani, mind if I join you?"

I nodded, "Sure. And to answer your question. Yes I ended up on Sharkfell yesterday, Jamie and her friends attempted to strand me there but as you can tell they didn't succeed." And then I decided for the sake of being civil that I might as well tell him myself what had happened so he'd feel like I'd been open and not wonder about the things I had left out.

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