29. Fatherly Visit

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Hey everyone, this weeks update is here! Yay!

Not so yay: I'm currently sick in bed because it finally happened, I have Corona which totally sucks! Thankfully it's a fairly mild case so far, still don't wish this on anyone. Stay safe out there ;-)

Much love,


Fatherly Visit

I didn't get a heads-up, no text or email like I would have expected. My dad just strode into the Stonefish two days after our visit from Noah Hayes. A scowl plastered on his face, his suit a little rumpled and his eyes ringed with black from fatigue.

Despite our disagreements of late and our complete lack of communication I rushed over, extremely worried. Why would he show up here and looking like that? Was he ill, hurt? Had something bad happened? "Dad! What's going on? Are you okay?" I demanded; it was just after the dinner rush so we were over half empty, waiting for the late-night crowd to show up.

He grabbed my arms and held me for a second, his eyes swinging over my body in appraisal and noting my shorts and plain black tank top paired with the Stonfish' simple short apron. I felt for a moment like he was scanning me for injury and I wondered if someone had told him I was hurt. "I'm fine Dan," he said, as his eyes lingered on a spot above my left shoulder and I just knew Matt had approached and was standing behind me.

Indeed, my dad's eyes narrowed in anger and intense dislike. "Come on Dan, I'm taking you home." He started pulling me with him without waiting for an answer and I immediately dug in my heels. I was feeling a mixture of anger, concern and confusion now. Why was he here, did he really expect me to just up and walk out the door with him after the months of ignoring me and leaving me hanging when he'd promised to be there? Did he have a nervous breakdown or something?

"No, tell me what's going on!" I demanded and when my words rang in a sudden silence I realized we'd drawn attention so that the whole bar had fallen quiet to watch what was happening. Matt, face a thundercloud because he clearly did not like my dad even if he'd never outright said it, still diplomatically offered his office for our use.

My dad took one look at the crowd, one look at my face and with a deep sigh relented. Allowing Matt to show us to his office at the back of the bar next to the kitchen. Inside was Matt's desk and chair and a big filing cabinet but also a corner with a couch and small coffee table. The very couch that Matt had sometimes slept on earlier in our relationship. As I sat down on that couch my father surveyed the room with a critical eye, lingering a moment on Matt's old desktop computer with clear distaste.

Matt didn't leave, not that I expected him too, instead he headed for his desk and pulled out a bottle of expensive whiskey and two glasses, not for me I assumed because he knew I didn't like the stuff. He sat both glasses down in front of my dad and when he nodded poured for the two of them. "You want anything Dani Darling?" he asked calmly, as if my dad wasn't giving him death glares. I shrugged, "No I'm good."

It was awkwardly quiet for a long moment. My dad perched on the edge of the couch while Matt had sat down on a chair and rolled his tumbler of whiskey between his big palms. The two of them were sizing each other up like boxers in a ring and for a brief moment I worried that they might actually rather prefer fighting it out.

When I couldn't take it anymore I said, "Let me guess why you're here dad. Somebody whispered in your ear that Matt was abusing me or forcing me to be with him. That right?" It was the only thing I could think of that made any kind of sense; so soon after Officer Hayes' little visit. At the look on is face I could tell I'd hit that one on the head. Matt's face had gotten even darker, his heavy dark brows lowered and his dark eyes glittering angrily.

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