15: Visitors

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I had to think of Dev with the pic above ^

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I had to think of Dev with the pic above ^.^



The next morning I was woken up by my phone ringing in combination with the doorbell ringing loudly. Fumbling for my phone I answered with a growled "What!" without checking caller ID. It was Dev and he told me he was at the gate and I needed to let him in because he had some important news.

He sounded rather anxious so I kicked myself into gear slipping on a robe so I could go downstairs and buzz him in. Then I went back upstairs and did a quick, awkward wash up balanced half on the bath edge after which I dressed in the first shorts and shirt I could get my hands on.

Downstairs Dev had run the coffee and pulled out the breakfast stuff, by now already well at home at my house. "Sit down," he gestured while he placed a toasted and buttered bagel down in front of me and poured us both some coffee. I did as he told, my hip was still a little stiff but I figured a good swim later today would take care of that issue.

"What's going on Dev?" I asked around a mouth full of bagel and my friend sighed. "Well here's the thing. My ancestor wasn't the only one changed, it was like four of them, best friends... So there's four families with the fish gene that we know off plus you now." Okay, I frowned not expecting the sudden history lesson on mermen.

"Well, uh we're the only ones living near Sharkfell where it all started but the others visit from time to time. Which is why there's the guest house on the island you know?" I could guess where this was headed, we had visitors incoming but I didn't understand why that was such a huge emergency that I had to be woken up at eight on a Saturday morning.

Dev continued at an even more subdued tone of voice, "It's uhm proven that for some reason our families only seem to get sons. So uh it's kind of extremely rare to see a female mermaid." I felt a chill go down my spine, guessing where this was going and not liking it one bit.

"Are you saying we're going to have those other families come here just so they can stare at me?" I heard how high pitched my own voice was, tight with a kind of fear I couldn't explain. I didn't want to have other men stare at me, I didn't want all this male interest just because I was the only one who could grow a tail like them. Shit wasn't this part of why I thought Matt and I wouldn't work and now Dev was saying a whole horde of them was about to descend on me?

"I'm sorry Dani, they're already here..." Dev said a little helplessly. "That's why I came here to tell you. We didn't know they were coming, it's only one family, the Corenths but that's six men with tails more than you're used to. They're the roughest bunch of us too, so it's better if you don't run into them on your own."

No it certainly didn't sound like fun to run into six unknown men with a hard on for me. I could already imagine how that would go over, running away from five girls intend on beating you up was one thing. Being cornered by six grown men... I wouldn't stand a chance if they got it in their heads they wanted to do more than talk.

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