24. Date Part 1

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Hey everyone,

Here's the latest update :-) I hope you guys like this so far, I sort of had to cut this bit awkwardly in  half because I ran out of time. You'll get the rest of the date on Friday.

Much love,



Date Part I

Matt picked me up again and drove me to school and we didn't say much on the way there until he at last couldn't keep silent any more. "How'd it go? Did you guys work things out?" Since I'd been holding my tongue like a coward because I knew he wasn't going to like what I had to say I flinched guiltily when he broke the silence.

He noticed how I'd twitched and frowned, "Okay, spit it out. You're clearly worried I won't like it." I could see his knuckles turn white around the steering wheel, he deserved to know though, he'd eat himself up with worry if I kept my mouth shut. "My dad was in the wind when I got home... We never talked." "Shit Dani! Were you alone all night? Why didn't you call me?" I heard the worry and hurt more than I heard the anger so I went with the truth when I answered.

"Because it hurt that he wasn't there and I didn't know how to deal... I just wanted to have some time to myself, lick my wounds, all of them." His eyes softened immediately and he raised his arm to tug me under it. "Darling... I'm sorry..."

"Let's forget about it, instead you can do something to cheer me up," I told him while I relaxed into his side. Too bad he was just turning into the school parking lot. "Alright, see Jamie over there? Wanna make out again where she can see?" I elbowed his side, "You just want an excuse to kiss me. Leave Jamie out of it." He grinned, "Alright busted. Do I get to kiss you now?"

In answer I leaned in to brush my lips against his chin and darted away again before he could grab me. "Date first fish boy," I teased when he groaned and made a grab for me. I was already slithering out of the truck and out of his reach but I felt lighter, my laugh genuine. "Alright I'll take you on a date, get back here!" he answered and I relented and went around the hood of the truck to lean against his door and kiss him through the window.

He didn't rush, didn't ignite this time. He was just really gentle and tender when he brushed his lips against mine, more an affectionate greeting than a prelude to sex. One hand he folded around the side of my face, cradling me to him, "Tomorrow I'll take you on that date. You're off around noon then right?"

I hadn't actually expected him to take my demand for a date serious, it felt oddly flattering to realize he did want to do that. "You know I wasn't serious right? You don't have to take me anywhere, I'm happy just to spend time together..." He started smiling, "Yeah but I want to." His hand slid down my cheek to curl around my throat while he focused his dark eyes there with an intent look. "Just pack your swim stuff kay?"

I laughed, "Of course you'll take me swimming on this date." "Naturally, I love swimming with you, you're so goddamned beautiful in the water." The husky note in his voice had me shivering and I was about to lean into him for another kiss when Dev and Mitch popped up on either side of me, "There you are, hurry or we're going to be late." They dragged me away under protest and I could see Matt grinning as he drove off, then I noticed Jamie standing to the side with an angry glare on her face.


"You know most girls prefer going to the cinema, or dinner or something on a first date... So they can dress up and all that." I told Matt conversationally as I lead him down the path to the beach near my house. I'd walked home because apparently the Corenth's had finally been sighted yesterday and were far away. Matt had shown up an hour later for our date, telling me that we could head out from the beach here if I felt comfortable with that.

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