31. Family Meeting

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Hey all, here's the new update ;-) I hope you like it and if you do, please vote or follow.

Much love,


Matt and I were returning from scouting out student housing options a few weeks before I'd start at uni. We were both dissatisfied with what was available but time was running out. Truth was of course that neither of us liked the idea that I'd be in another city for the coming years while he was running the Stonefish in Conningsby.

"I'll be back for every single full moon though, and you can visit and I can visit," I was repeating for the millionth time. Matt sighed, "I know all this. I just didn't realize how much I'd miss you when I told you to go." His dark eyes were serious as he glanced at me before they returned to the road. "I'd feel better if you were sharing a place with Mitch and Dev but so far none of the places we saw made that possible."

Scooting over I leaned my head on his shoulder, "I know, me too. I'll ask my dad for some help okay? I know we said not to but I think... I think this is important enough." My dad had offered to buy a condo for the three of us to stay at and we'd declined as none of us wanted to just take his money like that.

When Matt's mouth lifted into a smirk I realized he'd been thinking the same thing. "I'd feel better knowing you're in a house with two guys in the know, if you accidentally transform..." Yeah, I'd been thinking that too and when I missed Matt, those two would fully understand as well. Or when I missed swimming as much as we'd been doing all summer.

"Okay, I'll give him a call then."

Right on cue, Matt's phone started ringing and we both laughed at the absurd timing. He fished it out of his pocket and handed it to me and as I saw the caller ID answered with a cheerful, "Hello Fishboy."

Dev however didn't respond with a cheerful insult back though; deadly serious his next words chilled me to the bone. "The Corenths ship has fallen off the radar." I thumbed him to speaker and said softly, so Matt would understand. "You think the Corenths are heading our way?"

At my side Matt's body turned to stone, his knuckles going white around the steering wheel. We'd just driven into Conningsby and were almost at the Stonefish and I could see Dev standing in front of the bar, near the parking. Waving at us. "Yes, hurry! Family meeting inside."

We rushed out of the truck together hand-in-hand and into the bar, a closed sign declaring the place off limits for customers despite it being rush hour normally. The whole McLaren family was spread out into various chairs, with the patriarch, Thomas leaning up against the bar. His face was grim beneath dark brows that Matt's were an exact match too.

To my surprise Thorne was behind the bar with his arms crossed and an angry glare ready for Matt and I the moment we'd closed the door behind us. "Why the hell didn't you tell me about these assholes Matt?" he demanded and for a brief moment I wondered if the redhead was talking about Matt's family. His next words cleared that up, "I'd have gone and hunted them down for you if I'd known they were after our Dani."

Matt gave his friend a sharp nod, "I know you would have Thorne... Just... Six to one isn't a fair fight even with your skills." Thorne snorted, "You mean my werewolf skills?" He nodded at Dev, "My werewolf skills picked up on his phone call just fine."

The rest of the McLaren's shifted around in their chairs, looking surprised, all except Dev who seemed to look rather guilty. I headed his way to give him a hug, "Yeah, you can't underestimate his sharp hearing. Not like you knew, at least I'm guessing?"

Thorne shrugged his shoulders and nodded at Thomas, "I've already apologized for barging in on the meeting. I've got a right to protect my family and that includes Matt and Dani. I'm not leaving." Matt headed behind the bar and started pouring his dad a shot of whiskey, eyeing his mom and then pouring her one too.

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