37. The Tunnels

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Here it is! I got the Wednessday update out! Yay. Sorry you guys had to wait on that last cliffhanger ;-)

Much love,



The Tunnels

I had nothing on me except the top I'd worn that day and the shredded remains of my shorts still clinging around my hips. They'd taken my phone and while it was supposedly waterproof, it wasn't this waterproof so even if I'd had it it wouldn't work now. I couldn't call for help, not out here in the water.

Sharkfell was the closest landmass and my only chance, they were chasing me, by boat and through the water. When I chanced a look over my shoulder I saw the shadow of the boat only a little ways above me, engine churning up the water.

And in the water with me, Gavin, the oldest Corenth son. I saw the pale blonde of his hair and the flash of his green tail as he came after me like a shark. I fought to stay ahead of him, fought to get anywhere were I'd have some kind of advantage but I couldn't think of anything.

Bleakly I realized no help would be coming for me, I had to do this on my own. Sharkfell and its reefs were coming closer but so was Gavin, he was so fast that it was all I could do to keep ahead of him. Using my control over water to slow him down was not an option, I hadn't mastered doing that well enough to do without extreme concentration and I was anything but focused right now. I couldn't concentrate on a single thought.

Likely, he was far better at that skillset than I was anyway and would easily undo or avoid whatever I might manage to throw at him. No, my only hope was trying to somehow stay ahead of him. And I was on the wrong side of the island, not near the Moonfell but the side where Matt had his hidey-hole. We'd gone there a bunch of times now, I recognized the way.

Then a plan hatched in my head, it was horrible and it was extremely risky but I figured it was my only chance.

The dive was deep and the swim through the tunnels against the current was really hard, I'd only done it on my own twice so far. Always with Matt right behind me, ready to help push me through if I struggled. The swim was dangerous because if I got swept away into the wrong tunnel I'd never get to a source of air in time. Matt had warned me never to attempt it on my own.

Still, I didn't hesitate to dive down near the steep cliff, going down into the depths where it was harder to see. I only looked up once as I took my final breath of air, checking the progress of the sun and the moon. It was getting dark and the moon was already a big silver disk in the sky, full, to my un-discerning eye. The fact that the air didn't tingle going into my lungs told me I had time. Were the others already gathering in the Moonfell? Close yet so far?

Finding the tunnel as much by the feel of the current as the dark shape opening up in the cliff face. I looked back once over my shoulder as I slipped inside, watching how close Gavin was to me, his blonde hair glowing silvery white underwater.

Then I had to focus entirely on the swim, on the curving of the tunnel. This place was a maze and while it was only a few twists and turns, the tiny tunnel that lead to Matt's hidey-hole was hard to see in the dark. Only a glimmer of luminescence here and there guiding the way.

The treacherous currents fought to expel me as I swam and I had no time to think about Gavin possibly gaining on me. My focus had to be completely on the swim itself. At the first split I went left, hoping that I'd shake Gavin here already. Then the moment the strong currents lessened a little there was the second turn off.

I spotted the small, unlighted tunnel and dove into it without a pause. Speed was of the essence, if Gavin caught even the slightest hint of where I'd gone he'd have me trapped. Matt's hidey-hole was a dead end, my entire survival rested on not being seen.

Exhausted from the fast pace I struggled to get through the slender opening, scraping my tail along the edge and losing a couple of scales. Then I was out, swimming up into the small grotto with it's sunset algae ceiling and it's nebula underwater. Even scared out of my mind and worried sick about Matt, I still felt awe at the sight.

I knew I had to get out of the water and to the locked chest Matt kept in the back. There were supplies there and a phone, I could call for aid, maybe find something to defend myself with. When I dragged myself onto the plateau I realized that getting out of the water might also hide my presence better. They wouldn't be able to sense my movements, I knew Matt could track bigger fish that way, stood to reason that Gavin or Clay could track me too.

I fervently hoped that the terrible currents in the tunnels had distracted and confused Gavin enough that he couldn't find me anymore. As soon as I was dried off and on two legs I rushed to open the locked box, it was closed with a combination lock because Matt didn't want to carry a key around he could lose. Lucky for me.

As I swung the lid open I pulled out one of the folded wraps that lay on top. They were a recent addition, just like the phone in the waterproof case had recently had its phone book updated to include Noah. I tied the wrap around my middle; shimmying out of the remnants of my shorts and kicking them to the wall. The left over denim scraped against my skin where I now had a palm sized scrape across my calf, courtesy of my less than stellar swim through the small tunnel.

My fingers trembled, my heart was still pounding from adrenaline and right now my legs were feeling like rubber. At least an hour had passed since Matt had set out to disable that bomb, had he made it? Not knowing felt agonizing.

As soon as I'd turned the phone on, the battery carrying an almost full charge, I scrolled through the contacts and dialed Orly. I wanted to call Matt but I was scared he was still dealing with an explosive situation of his own and couldn't afford to be distracted. Orly and Noah were my best bet right now.

Orly didn't pick up though so with shaking hands I checked the signal, which was going strong thanks to the shaft through the rocks that gave this grotto its fresh source of air. That's when I realized the shaking and trembling of my body was more than just adrenaline wearing off. "Fuck!" I cursed, the full moon. It was starting to affect me, the moon was almost full. That was really, really bad.

I dialed Noah next, starting to worry that maybe he, Orly and Mariana were not okay after that car crash. But the phone was picked up on the first ring, "Hello? Who is this?" Noah demanded and for the first time since meeting him he didn't sound so calm and put together.

"Noah! You're okay!" I said, "It's Dani. Please tell me you have news of Matt!" I knew that shouldn't be my priority, it was more important to let him know where I was so that he could maybe send help. Still, my heart was focused more on knowing if Matt was alright. I had to know.

"He's just reached the Moonfell, bomb's dismantled. Where are you?" Noah said and oblivious to the hard rock beneath my I sank to my knees. Weak with relief. Matt was alright. Those people were safe. "I'm in Matt's hidey-hole. Gavin swam after me into the tunnels but it's a maze and he hasn't found me yet."

"That's good honey, that's good," Noah said, sounding reassuring again. "I'm with Thorne, we're heading to you by boat right now, stay safe. Thorne's calling Matt, he'll be with you faster okay?" He was saying more to me but I wasn't listening at this point, just so relieved that Matt was coming my way that I felt tears run down my cheeks.


Not quite as bad a cliffhanger this time right? ;-) We're getting to the end of this story. I'm going to be sad when it's finished...

Much love,

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