9: Hide the Tail

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The next day I found myself entering the Stonefish around noon. After discovering that all the McLaren's could grow a fish tail I hadn't slept much, never mind about discovering the supposed control I should have over water. I'd practiced all evening, trying to make it move or float or freeze or evaporate, anything. I'd managed to make it shake a few times but that was really it and I was rather disappointed and now eager to question Dev so I could learn more.

Since my phone had been missing the entire week I'd been hanging out with Dev and his friends I didn't really have a way to reach them. I figured the Stonefish would be my best bet and if not, Matt was probably there and able to give me Dev's number.

As it turned out, my hunch was right and I found Dev and Mitch at a table outside, talking and sharing a drink. They greeted me eagerly and invited me to join them with Mitch adding: "So you're coming surfing after all?" I'd forgotten about that invite but figured now at least Dev would back me up when I declined. When I looked over at him though I realized he was staring at me intently and I thought in shock, he didn't know yet, Matt hadn't told him...

The next moment Mitch knocked over his glass of coke and it sprayed all over my shorts and bare legs. In a panic I was on my feet the next moment but didn't know where to run in the ten seconds I had before the change would take over my legs.

Then Matt was there, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me away so quick my head spun and I had no chance to see where he took me. A door opened and closed, dark enveloped us at the exact moment my lower body changed, shredding my shorts and panties and flinging my sandals away from me. "Fuck!" I groaned, because I collapsed and landed awkwardly, hard on the wooden floor and crashed against a bucket and some brooms and mops that clattered down on top of me.

"Shit!" responded Matt and then the light flicked on to show me we were in a supply closet with cleaning stuff for the bar. The floor space wasn't enough to fit my tail lying down and I awkwardly pulled myself in, making my body smaller. "That was close, you okay Dani?" Matt asked me while he crouched down and grabbed me under my arms to pull me in a sitting upright position. "You didn't hurt yourself?"

I was still a bit stunned with the events of the past minute and now it was dawning on me that Matt had seen what had happened in time to prevent me from exposing myself. Now there was a knocking on the door and then Dev's voice asking rather muted, "Everything alright in there?" Matt frowned at my tail once then raised a hand and forced the coke that had splattered over my legs to evaporate.

"Yeah we're good in here," he yelled through the door the moment my tail disappeared and my legs returned. I yelped in shock, scrambling to pull my shirt down far enough to keep from flashing Matt, yet again. Of my shorts there was not enough left to even remotely try to salvage them.

"Shit," Matt cursed again while he turned his head, averting it to give me some privacy. "Forgot about the shorts... I'll get you something to wear, stay put." As if I was going anywhere with my butt exposed, but I said nothing while he slipped out of the supply closet and closed me into the small space alone.

I could hear him talk with Dev on the other side of the door for a moment and then silence. I buried my face in my hands then and groaned, this was embarrassing and scary. I'd almost been exposed and in more ways than one. How could I go out in public again? Face school tomorrow if I was at risk of growing a tail at the slightest provocation? Matt wasn't going to be fast enough or around every time something like this happened.

I was barely fast enough to ensure I was covered completely when Matt slipped back into the supply closet five minutes later. This time I caught the smirk on his face and he didn't hide the look of approval either when he slid his eyes over my legs and focused a moment on my barely covered lady bits. Matt was certainly seeing me as enough of a woman to be interested, despite the gap between our ages.

"Here," he said, slowly dragging his eyes away from the shirt I was protectively pulling as low as it could go. Instead they now zoned in on the cleavage this exposed at the top of my shirt, "It's a skirt and thong someone left at my place. Don't worry I washed it so it's clean." A bundle was dropped into my lap and now at last he turned away so his back was to me.

My heart was pounding furiously in my throat though because I couldn't help it but respond to the look in his eyes as he'd gazed at me. That was powerful and exciting and though I didn't want to be another notch on his bedpost, my body was certainly on board with that plan.

Turns out the bundle was indeed a skirt and a thong, the skirt denim and the thong baby blue and lacy as hell. "You pervert," I accused while I shimmied into both as quickly as possible, surprised they fit as well as they did. "I can't believe you're having me wear the discarded clothing of one of your flings."

Now he chuckled, low and amused while he helped me to my feet and find my sandals. "It's better than nothing right? Though I don't mind either way." Standing upright the space seemed even smaller but at least the light bulb wasn't very bright so he might not see the blush crawling up my cheeks.

Since our swim things had changed; he'd gone from a few side remarks that held some innuendo to real flirting now. Was I suddenly much more interesting now that I could share his underwater world with him? He'd gotten more interesting to me too, that was for sure but I still didn't know how to deal with this.

I wasn't a virgin, not that the sex I had had was anything to be satisfied with. It had been clumsy, uncomfortable and rather awkward bumbling in the dark and I hadn't felt the urge to try it out again anytime soon. Though I knew that with the right partner it would probably be much better, one that actually knew what he was doing instead of the two minute wonder I'd tried it with.

"Ready? Dev's aware of the situation now so he'll keep an eye on you too. I'm certain Mitch won't try another stunt like that either." I was only slightly reassured by those words and for a moment lingered close to him, letting his warmth and solid bulk sink in. Then I nodded and followed him out of the supply closet at a rather subdued pace.

When I sat down at the table with Dev and Mitch, Mitch apologized several times profusely and Dev assured me twice that it wouldn't happen again. I wondered if Mitch was in on the whole merfolk thing or if he was clueless but there was never time to ask.

I tried to pretend the entire thing hadn't happened and managed to actually have fun hanging out with Mitch and Dev. Then when Matt showed up with a refill for my mango smoothie he leaned in close to whisper in my ear: "I keep imagining what you look like in that sexy blue thong, I'm regretting not sneaking a peek."

I was so startled by him that I almost dropped my glass in my lap, nearly causing a second episode of hide the tail and it wouldn't be a euphemism. "Shit Matt, don't talk to me like that!" I told him while my face went so red I was certain it matched both my hair and my tail. He had just casually caught the glass and settled it back on the table, his other hand resting hotly between my shoulder blades. "Why not? You look so cute when you're blushing," he said loud enough for Dev and Mitch to understand.

"I was thinking," he went on next, as though I wasn't flustered and glaring at him. "One of my waitresses is quitting this week because she's moving somewhere else so I'll have a vacancy. Would you like the job?"

Now I was gaping at him, was he serious? I'd just proven twice that I couldn't be trusted around drinks, for risk of them spilling on me. Now he wanted me to actually work here? Never mind that my dad was rich and my allowance more than generous, I didn't need the money. Yet at the same time I was sort of flattered, he thought I was up for it, thought I wasn't too snobby to not want to work. He wanted me around.

"She'll take the job," Mitch insisted for me with Dev pitching in: "Yeah Dani you have to take it! It'll be great!" I didn't know why they thought I should take the job but besides my sudden phobia for spilling drinks I thought it would be great. I'd have a place to be in the evenings, get to hang out with Matt and pester him about mermaid stuff whenever the urge struck.

"Alright, when do I start?"


Hey everyone! I think this was my favorite chapter so far to write! What do you guys think?

Much love,


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