26. Date Part 3

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I followed him to the round pool on one side of the plateau and then found myself smirking, loving the ability to tease him like this. "You know I'm only wearing a square piece of cloth tied around my hips and nothing else right now... I'm as good as naked."

His eyes shot to me and slid over my body, zoning in on my exposed breasts and the slit in the side that bared one of my legs. "Not true," he murmured huskily, one hand lifting to tug on the shell necklaces dangling around my neck and down between my breasts. "You're wearing these and I've never thought necklaces were sexy before but damn this looks hot."

Keeping my eyes on his I pulled on the knot at my side until the wrap fell down around my feet. "How about now?" I asked, fighting the nerves that suddenly took hold of me. Matt's eyes had darted straight from my breasts to the juncture between my thighs with a greedy hunger. "I'm thinking you better get into the water unless you want me to ravage you right now."

I laughed, delighted that he'd say something like ravaging and then stepped easily over the ledge and straight into the rounded pool of water. As I sank into the water my change slipped through me quietly, much less a wrenching than it had been that first change ever.

I didn't close my eyes but kept looking when Matt shucked off his shorts and exposed the eager erection he was still sporting. It was as huge as it had felt against my leg, a club as thick as my wrist. He looked smug when he saw the awed look on my face and then he was sliding into the pool next to me and letting the change take him.

We cuddled close in the water, his arms sliding around me to pull me across his lap, our tails twining together. "Can I touch?" I pointed at his ears and he obligingly tilted his head to give me access. While I stroked and petted I felt him relax beneath me, going lax against the side of the pool while he lazily stroked a hand over my hip and lower back.

As I felt his merman body beneath mine I was suddenly reminded of what I'd seen when Gavin attacked me. The erection that had somehow appeared though I'd tried not to look at it at the time. Now I found myself not so much scared or worried about it, instead I was curious where it went, how it appeared when I saw only smooth scales in that area. Was it indeed like with most aquatic animals? Folded in when not necessary to provide a more streamlined body?

Only one way to find out I guessed and I felt so at ease with Matt that I decided to just ask, I'd already seen his erection when he was on two legs after all. "Matt, I saw... When Gavin attacked me I mean... I saw something..." I murmured and I felt him go stiff beneath me, his muscles coiling with tension. "What did you see darling?" he asked, his voice husky with anger at just the mention of Gavin.

"Well, I saw what I think was an erection..." I murmured and Matt was immediately sliding me off his lap so he could lean over me and crowd me against the side of the pool, surrounding me completely with his body. "I'm sorry you had to see that... I'll kill him just for that if he ever shows his face here again, I swear." He spoke with such intensity that I felt a tingle of fear go down my spine, he meant that, he'd kill Gavin if ever the man dared show his face again.

Lifting a hand to stroke his cheek I shook my head, "I'm not scared, I'm not even having nightmares about it Matt. I was actually sort of curious. I mean not about him," I hurried to add when I saw his brows lower further. "I mean how does it even work? I've never ehm... noticed anything on you." I gestured down his body to his lap, "You were sporting a pretty impressive hard-on before your change but now... Nothing..."

"Shit Dani, you want to see my cock in this form? Is that what you're saying?" he groaned and slid away from me to rest his head on the edge of the pool and close his eyes. "We got into the water so we wouldn't let things get out of hand remember? Now you want me to show you my dick?"

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