6: The Almost Swim

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Woo another chapter this week! Yay I did it! :-D

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The Almost Swim

All week it seemed impossible to find real time to go to the beach and swim. Either Mitch or Dev would attach themselves to me the moment I stepped foot inside school and unless classes disallowed it stick close to me all day. It wasn't done in such a way that I really noticed what was going on right away either. But by the end of the week I realized they'd purposely been keeping me busy.

It was fun to hang out with them though and their two friends Jones and Cam were great too. So that by the end of the week it felt like I'd suddenly gained four friends plus Cam's girlfriend Kira who was incredibly nice too if a little more shy. Instead of eating lunch by myself I suddenly had an entire group of people to eat with and Jamie had noticed it too.

She was however by the end of the week no longer blue and had regained her previous confidence. She'd also decided I deserved payback I was certain but she hadn't really made any overt moves. I'd kept an eye on her to be sure, not liking the plotting stage she was in at all. Even Dev and Mitch agreed that I needed to watch out.

Each day after school either they dragged me along to the Stonefish to hang out there or to one of their homes. And then on Friday Mitch even suggested I should invite all of them over to my home, unless my parents would object. When I automatically responded that my dad was away on business I'd really done it and could no longer say no. Which meant all four guys plus Kira eagerly trooped after me that afternoon.

Whether it was on purpose or not, their extreme hogging of my time had virtually made it impossible to test out my fishtail in sea. I'd spend one glorious early morning on Wednesday in the water but though I figured out I could hold my breath for easily fifteen minutes, I hadn't been able to swim for more than half an hour and then only near the shore.

It was so utterly enchantingly amazing however that I wanted to go again and again and the itch to do so was getting stronger and stronger. Just taking a bath each night, no matter how roomy the bath was, it wasn't the same as actually swimming and discovering the beautiful reefs and sea life.

I hoped that at least the weekend now meant I'd be able to spend a few hours in the water. Thanks to Mitch and Dev taking me to the Stonefish so often I'd already finished all my homework and gotten a good start on the final exam prepping and reviewing. Though those exams were still almost an entire month away.

"Holy crap! You live here?" Jones said when they realized we weren't just walking through the more rich neighborhood, I'd now turned into our driveway. I shrugged, "My dad owns some big software company.... We used to travel all over the world." The side gate smoothly swung open when I keyed us in and they trooped after me into the garden and around the house so we could enter through the back door. They were all quiet and a little subdued, as if the beautiful, manicured lawn and modern, sprawling house deserved their respect somehow.

At the sight of the pool in the backyard various sounds of approval and excitement were heard however. "Oh that is nice, can we take swim in that?" "It's gorgeous!" "Yeah swim sounds great!" I took a look at the pool, in which I hadn't dared swim yet with my fishtail because I wasn't certain how well the neighbor could look into it from his top windows. "Sure you guys can swim if you like. If you don't mind me passing? I had a dive this morning before school."

Dev's shoulders went stiff when I said that but none of the others responded much to my statement. Did that mean Dev knew about the mermaid thing and how touching water would force the transformation? Or was it just a coincidence? I really wasn't sure.

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