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Author's Notes: This will just be based on the TV show, as I have not read the books. I did not love Mal in the show, and when I looked up reviews of the book series to see if I should read it, his character annoyed me even more. I liked the whole Mal/Aleksander/Alina love triangle and wish the show had drawn that out more. The whole light/dark thing between Aleksander and Alina has so much potential. I also love the idea of Aleksander redemption fics, so if you know a good one, let me know! I couldn't get this idea out of my head, so I had to write it! More chapters to come. This is my first time posting on Wattpad so bear with me! <3 


"I was nervous at first, but talking to Genya I realized what this demonstration means...Now I finally feel like I belong," Alina said, "and not that I just belong here, but to something greater. That we can offer Grisha and Ravkans hope for the future."

"That means a lot to me, Alina." Aleksander replied. He was always Aleksander in her head now. General Kirigan, the man whom the whole continent feared, was someone else. When she looked into his eyes, there was still a small thrill of fear, but it was overpowered by stronger feelings. His shadows called to her light.

You mean a lot... to everyone," Aleksander replied. For the first time in her life she meant something and she belonged. Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, she strode forward and kissed him.

"Not many people surprise me, Miss Starkov," Aleksander replied with a smile. His dark handsome features marked with amusement and pleasure made her head spin, until the door opened and she quickly regained her composure.

Aleksander cleared his throat, and then had a word with Ivan. Alina strode off to find Genya. She needed to finish getting ready for the feast and her presentation.


It was the best and worst night of her life. It had started out perfect. She had summoned the light, stunning all of the guests and impressing the king and queen.

She and Aleksander. She had kissed him, then later he had taken her aside and returned the favor. They would have ended up in his bed by the end of the night, but that knock that drew him away ruined everything. Baghra ruined everything. No, it was Aleksander who ruined it with lies from the beginning.

Alina curled tighter in the chest she was hiding in, starting to shiver; she knew it wasn't from the cold.

Baghra could have been lying. She didn't trust the woman enough to wait for help from Baghra's loyal Grisha. The picture she showed Alina did look exactly like General Kirigan, and Baghra's dark power showed her to truly be his mother. Why would she lie about her son? Why would she betray her son?

The Black Heretic. If the general had just lied about that, she could possibly forgive him, but the rest...

"I'm trying to save you from living the rest of your life as a slave.

I'm trying to save you from Aleksander.

He intends to expand the Fold and use it as a weapon.

That's what he created it for in the first place.

With you at his command, he'll be able to enter the Fold and weaponize it as he always planned.

He'll be unstoppable.

He's had centuries to master lying to naïve girls.

He isn't a boy at all. He is eternal.

Shadow and Light: A Darklina RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now