Chapter 9

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Author's notes: Hey, sorry for the slow chapter updates! Its going to continue at a slower pace as I have a lot on my plate, but I will be updating! Reviews help me stay motivated to not take forever so if you want the next chapter faster... ;) And finally some Darkling and Alina communication at the end of this chapter!


Chapter 9

It had been two more days and nothing had changed. The same fanatic brought Alina food and drink each morning, but he didn't give her any money. He kept saying the Apparat would appear soon, and there would be more people for her to inspire, but the days were seemingly endless with nothing for her to do. Today she decided she would explore farther afield, even if it was dangerous.

A knock at her door disturbed her thoughts. The fanatic had left an hour ago, but maybe he had news. She got up from her chair to go open the door, when it swung open on its own. Alina gasped.

"Mal!" she shrieked, and ran over and hugged her friend as he stepped into the room. "What are you doing here?" she asked in shock.

"I heard you were finally free of the Darkling, and could use a hand. I'm here to help Alina," Mal said.

"I don't think I've ever been happier to see you Mal. I have so much to tell you. We should... "she started to say, then trailed off.

"Sankta Alina, it is a pleasure to finally be with you. You will forgive my absence. I will help you as much as I am able to free West Ravka, but I have other duties, as you must know. I brought your friend to help you as well," the Apparat said with an oily smile.

A thousand questions competed in her head to be asked. She tried hard to keep her dislike of the man from her features. He held their lives in his hands and would want her to cooperate with his plans. She carefully rephrased what she had been about to say.

"Apparat, please come in and take a seat. I know you are a busy man, but there are some very important things I must ask you," Alina said in what she hoped was a pleasant voice.

"Sankta Alina, nothing would bring me more joy than talking to you, but I have urgent matters to attend elsewhere. I will accompany you to another rally tomorrow though."

"Are you the one who put the amplifier on me?" she asked in a rush before he could leave.

"My dear, I will answer all your questions later. The Darkling wanted to control you. He ordered the stag killed, and I did all in my power to get you away from the man. I could not let the darkness snuff out the light. Now forgive me Sankta Alina, but I must go," the Apparat said and quickly left the room.

"Don't worry Alina. I won't let the Darkling have you. The Apparat came and got me so I could fight at your side. We'll free West Ravka, defeat the fold, then defeat the Darkling," Mal said and brushed Alina's hair out of her face with his fingertips.

"Mal, you don't actually trust the Apparat do you?" Alina asked in a whisper, knowing the Apparat's men could be anywhere.

"I trust him a whole lot more than the Darkling! He's rescued you and brought us together again. Alina, don't give me that look. I'm not an idiot. I know he has his own goals as well, but for now I think our goals are the same. So why not work together? We need allies going up against the Darkling."

"Mal, I don't like how he has total control in this situation. If he does something we don't like, for example if uses children to stir up this revolution, there is nothing we can do about it. I feel helpless," Alina said.

"I can't dislike the man who brought me to you," Mal said leaning in closer to whisper in her ear, then trailing kisses along her cheek until he reached her lips. Alina had felt so alone. She felt her lips starting to respond, starting to kiss him back.


She heard a voice in her head calling her name. She took a step back in startlement, and was surprised to find Mal's arms locked around her.

"Alina, I'm not letting you go again," Mal said fiercely.

"Mal, I... I'm not ready for this," Alina stammered. Mal stared at her intently for a moment without moving.

"Of course. You've been through a lot. I'll wait until you are ready," Mal said, but leaned forward and kissed her one last time before letting her go.

"Where are you staying?" Alina asked, trying to change the subject.

"In the room next to yours. The Apparat said it would be best if we stay in our rooms for now, as there are people in West Ravka that want you dead. I agree this is where you need to be; however, I'm going to go on a little scouting mission to see what is around here. As we were trained in the army, it's always best to know your surroundings. I'll be back soon," Mal said, and with another smile for her, he left.

Alina released a breath she hadn't known she was holding and collapsed onto her bed. Had Mal almost not stopped when she said she wasn't ready? She had always felt safe with Mal, but for a moment there he seemed like someone she hardly knew.

And that voice. She found herself concentrating on how it sounded and trying to see if she could hear it again.. She closed her eyes. It had been a man's voice.

'Alina,' she heard again, and this time kept her eyes closed and reached out towards the voice.

'Who's there?' Alina asked.

'You are alive,' the voice said with relief. Then, 'Where are you?'

Suddenly Alina realized who was talking to her and she sat up in alarm, but she could still feel the presence in her head.

'Why do you want to know General Kirigan? Did the Apparat snatching me away before you could use me ruin your plans?' she said bitterly.

'So it was the Apparat. Alina, the man is not to be trusted. Tell me where you are!' Kirigan said. Alina laughed.

'Oh are you saying I shouldn't trust the Apparat because he intends to use me towards his own goals with no concern for what I want or how I might be hurt? But I should trust you?'

'Alina he wouldn't care if you were made a martyr to further his goals. I would protect you. I care for you and he does not. Where are you Alina? You are not safe with him!'

'I have others with me to protect me, and I can defend myself. I don't want your protection. Go away general.'

'The tracker is there too, isn't he? I thought I sensed him earlier with you," the Darkling said in an icy tone.

'Oh, did you sense us kissing?' Alina said spitefully. The connection in her head seemed to grow more intense for a minute and she could feel the Darkling's anger. It was foolish of her to taunt him so, especially when a part of her wanted to tell him her location; wanted to run to him for protection from the Apparat.

'I will find you Alina. When I do, anyone who has laid a hand on you will answer to me personally,' A trill of fear vibrated within her. What would he do to Mal? How long would it take for the Darkling to find her? He couldn't search in West Ravka himself with the fold blocking his way. Did he know the Apparat's plans? She couldn't ask without giving away her own ignorance.

'I didn't run away,' she finally admitted. She didn't want him to know what had happened if he did not already, but she couldn't have him thinking that she had ran off again either.

'Farewell for now Alina,' the Darkling said and she felt the connection break.

She opened her eyes, and felt an overwhelming sense of being alone. Her hand shook as she reached for the cup on the table. 'Am I more terrified of the Darkling finding me or of him not finding me?' She didn't know the answer, but she admitted to herself that she felt safer when she was with the Darkling than she felt with the Apparat.

She laid back down to take a nap. There was nothing else to do and she felted drained. As she drifted off to sleep her last thought was, 'I miss you Aleksander.'

Shadow and Light: A Darklina RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now