Chapter 13

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A/N: I just started writing chapter 17! I only have a couple chapter left and I'll be done! Yay! Since I was only planning on writing a 5 chapter story, I'm ready to get back to some of my original works. Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 13

'Alina,' a voice whispered to her. She looked around and only saw darkness. Then her eyes found the Darkling. He was suddenly right next to her. Her brain was fuzzy, but this did not make sense.

'General Kirigan is in the Little Palace,' Alina said firmly. It didn't make sense for him to be next to her in West Ravka.

'Oh, am I? How do you know that?' he mocked her, but did not come any closer. He had a point. She didn't know where he was, but surely he hadn't found her.

'I'm going to run away on my own from the Apparat. I don't need you Kirigan,' she said defiantly.

'You'll run away with your tracker friend?' Then she remembered. She was in bed with Mal. This was a dream.

'Jealous?' she asked.

'Alina, I doubt you will be able to get away from the Apparat on your own. I don't say that to diminish what you can do, but the man has been planning this for a while, and he is a sly devil.'

'We'll be fine.'

'And you cannot trust the tracker either. He can never have you, and once he realizes that he'll betray you. Leave the otkazat'sya. He'll never understand you like I can. Tell me where you are Alina,' he said, stepping closer so they were almost touching.

Alina stared into his dark eyes, felt his pull and wanted to fall into his arms. She breathed in the scent of him and realized she would never feel this way about Mal.

'Alina, say my name,' he said, taking another step closer. 'I'll leave if you wish, but say my name.' Alina felt a moment of weakness. They'd been apart for so long.

'Aleksander, I don't want you to leave,' she whispered. Then he kissed her. Alina closed her eyes. It felt so real. 'Aleksander...'

She suddenly woke up, realizing Mal was kissing her. She shoved him away, and he nearly fell off the bed.

"What are you doing?" Alina asked angrily.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? You were saying his name Alina! You were talking to him weren't you? The Apparat told me that might be possible. Did you tell him where we are? Have you been talking to him this whole time?" Mal asked, sounding betrayed.

"Excuse me, how does me saying the Darkling's name give you the right to kiss me, when I told you I'm not ready for that! And frankly with how you've been treating me lately, I don't think I ever will be!" Alina shouted.

"I've risked everything to help you get away from the Darkling! I've gone along with the Apparat and put up with a lot, but you don't even care. He's completely blinded you. The Apparat didn't get you away soon enough. You say you don't want to be the Darkling's slave, but you already are!" Mal said, then he stormed out of the room.

Alina followed him. She wasn't going to let him have the last word, especially after making those accusations. She saw him go down the stairs and tried to catch up, but he was running down. He slowed slightly once he reached the common room. She finally caught up when they reached the street outside. She was so furious that she didn't care if she made a scene.

Shadow and Light: A Darklina RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now