Chapter 14

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Enjoy! Again, I have not read the books. I wrote this based off season 1 of the TV show so I hope it is still enjoyable to those of you that read the books. I know my Grisha science ignorance, lol.

Chapter 14

Alina opened her eyes, and felt panic wake her up quickly. How had she fallen asleep! Looking out the window, she saw the first rays of light lightening the sky. Immediately she closed her eyes again and concentrated on Kirigan. She had to reach him.

Suddenly she felt a presence in her head. Had it worked?

'Alina? Are you trying to reach me? I felt you brush my mind,' Kirigan said in her head.

'Kirigan! I need your help! The Apparat is planning an attack today, and thousands of innocent people will die if we don't stop him!' Alina pleaded.

'If you wish me to stop him, you need to tell me where you are,' the Darkling replied, only hesitating for a second.

'I'm in West Ravka.' Alina said. She could feel his rage.

'The Apparat brought you to West Ravka! I told you he doesn't care what happens to you, as long as he can use you! It would be on the other side of the fold...' he trailed off in frustration.

'I need you here now,' she hesitated again, 'I need you here now Aleksander. He plans to use me in a fight against General Zlatan today. He has raised up a revolt here among the poor, and plans to give them weapons and have me lead an attack.' She sensed him moving into action.

'You must avoid the battle. Get free of the Apparat and meet me at the fold. I am leaving now and can be on the east side in hours.'

'Getting free might be difficult, but I will, somehow. But you can't get through the fold. How will you get here to stop the Apparat?'

'I will find a way to get to you, but I'm not fighting the Apparat. We'll bring you back to the Little Palace, and once you are safe, I'll deal with the Apparat,' Kirigan said.

'No! The people of West Ravka will be slaughtered! The Apparat will send them against General Zlatan in my name, even if I'm not there for it! You must come help me stop him,' Alina pleaded.

'Alina, I will not risk you further. Even if I could reach you in time, none of my grisha could. You would want us to barge in without a plan or backup and stop the Apparat? I know you haven't practiced using your new amplified light. Right now you are vulnerable, and I will not have you harmed. You will meet me at the fold, and return with me,' Kirigan said with finality.

'I will stay here then. I won't leave the West Ravkan people to their fate. I will stop this somehow,' She replied. The Darkling paused. He was obviously upset by her response.

'If I come and help you save the people of West Ravka, you will promise me two things. One, when we are done saving them, you will immediately come back to the Little Palace with me. Two, you will agree to stay by my side: no running away, and if you are kidnapped, you WILL tell me where you are. If you swear these things to me, then I will come help you,' Kirigan said.

Alina thought about his proposition. She hated the idea of having no choice in her future, but she couldn't let thousands of innocent people die for her. 'Would it really be so bad being with Aleksander', a traitorous part of her whispered. She didn't have to agree to swear loyalty to him, just be by his side. She could do that if it meant saving all those people.

'I agree. If you come with me to save the people of West Ravka, I'll stay by your side,' Alina promised.

'Fine. I'm leaving now. Meet me at the fold. I'll need your help if I'm to get across in time to stop the Apparat,' Kirigan said. 'I will be there in a few hours. Contact me when you get there or if you get into trouble.'

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