Chapter 15

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A/N: Another long chapter for you guys! This has some new POVs you haven't seen before. :)

Chapter 15

That foolish girl. She had tried to reach her in time to warn her, but the woman had been completely oblivious to her surroundings. The Apparat's men grabbed Alina before she could stop them. General Kirigan would not be happy about this. Zoya sighed.

The tracker, Alina's friend who Zoya had slept with once, to her regret, had guided the Apparat's men straight to her. That had surprised Zoya, but it was probably what the woman deserved. If you strung men along for too long, they eventually turned on you, and Alina wasn't pretty enough for any man to wait for her for long.

Now what to do. The Darkling would probably want her to follow Alina to see where they took her. She had sent her letter to the general, which he should be getting today.

Zoya hesitated though. What had Alina been doing crouched on the ground in that alleyway for nearly an hour. Had she been waiting for someone? Making her way to the spot Alina was crouching, she looked around.

Crouching down like Alina had been, the only thing she could see was the fold. Staring at it, she thought she saw something moving within it, but she knew Novokribirsk wasn't expecting a skiff. No one on the docks were paying the fold any mind. It was hard to see within the darkness; however the fold lightened slightly on its edges, and the volcra normally stayed in the center.

Suddenly Zoya realized something else was coming. Something or someone that Alina had been waiting for. Zoya needed to get to this thing or person before it left the fold or all of Novokribirsk would descend on the anomaly.

Good thing she was a Squaller and brilliant. She raised a sandstorm, trying to make it seem like it came from the fold so it would seem natural and not fabricated. There were shouts from the docks. As everyone rushed to latch things down and cover the skiff, she covertly made her way to the storm.

Donning goggles, that she kept on herself for such emergencies, and wrapping her head in her scarf, she entered the storm unnoticed. Once she reached the fold, she directed the wind so that the wall of sand continued blowing toward Novokribirsk, but left herself untouched. She unwound her scarf and removed her goggles, waiting for what was to come.

A man practically flew out of the fold, in a fight with a volcra. Zoya gasped! It was General Kirigan! Quickly, she helped to slash the injured creature to pieces, and ran to the Darkling's side.

"Are you alright?" Zoya asked with concern. She didn't care about many people, but the Darkling was one of the few. He also protected all of them.

"I'm fine. Where is Alina?" General Kirigan asked. Zoya looked at the man. He didn't look fine. He was bleeding from several places.

"She was recaptured by the Apparat. I tried to warn her, but she was so wrapped up in whatever she was doing that I couldn't get her attention before the tracker led them to her. She'll be fine though. Let me take you to a healer I know in the city," Zoya said apprehensively.

"I don't need a healer. The volcra were distracted by my horse and I was almost out of the fold before the light disappeared. It shouldn't have done that if they just captured Alina," the Darkling said.

'So that is what happened,' Zoya thought. It all finally made sense to her. That was how the Darkling had made it through and why Alina had been so distracted. Still, the Darkling needed a healer.

"They knocked her out. I'm guessing they didn't want a fight with her in the square. If she released her power against them it would have been a beacon for General Zlatan to follow. But she was fine. They don't want their precious saint injured." Zoya said.

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