Chapter 16

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A/N: Sorry for the delay! I have the next couple chapters written, but I've been working on the last chapter and wrapping things up. Writing the ending is always the hardest part for me! So thanks for continuing to read, and please leave a comment or vote if you are enjoying this!

Chapter 16

"Now!" Commander Yuri shouted and Alina threw up her light barrier as she ran hard. It was a massacre. General Zlatan's forces hadn't formed up yet so they were able to push forward quickly, but anyone in the way was mowed over. The West Ravkan peasants along the edge of their attack force quickly got separated and away from Alina's protection. They were killed before Alina could intervene.

Her focus had to be keeping her barrier on the main group, as it was effective at keeping them from being shot down, but it was so painful to hear the screams of the people dying. People dying in her name.

"We're almost to General Zlatan Alina," Commander Yuri shouted.

Then, to her horror, two tanks rolled out in front of them and fired. Alina tried to stop it, but didn't have time to make a strong enough shield, and the explosion broke her concentration.

She coughed and tried to push herself from the group. Dust was everywhere. A hand reached down and helped her up. It was Mal.

Looking around, she saw that their troops were scattered everywhere. There was no way for her to protect them now. Looking behind them, she saw a swarm of even more people fighting. The West Ravkans were not doing well against the trained soldiers. The only advantage the peasants had was there were more of them.

"General Zlatan is dead!" Commander Yuri screamed in triumph, emerging from the building directly in front of them. He had General Zlatan's head raised in his hand.

Alina watched horrified, as a man came up behind Yuri and stabbed him in the back. Looking around, she saw the tanks getting ready to fire again, felt the chaos around them, and she had never been more helpless. What could she do?

Whoever won the battle, the Apparat would use the situation to his benefit. He would probably collect her bones and bring them to all his future battles, saying how the Sun Summoner was on his side. Aleksander was right. The Apparat would use her as a martyr, just as easily. It might even be more convenient for him.

Suddenly the world darkened. Alina began to suspect the cause and looked around frantically. A small group emerged from the dust and debris behind her. She gasped.

The Darkling, bringing shadows with him, went to one of the nearby tanks, cut shreds in it, then stood on top of its remains.

A woman, who Alina realized to her amazement was Zoya dressed in her kefta, went after the other tank. She hopped on top of it, tore off the top hatch and disappeared inside. A minute later she reappeared with a smile on her face, then sat languidly on the tank. 'Only Zoya,' Alina thought wryly.

Another woman with beautiful blonde braided hair stood near the Darkling on the ground. She must be the healer Alina realized.

"You will stop your fighting now!" the Darkling commanded. He seemed to have one of those devices the Apparat had that projected his voice.

Those close to Alina stopped, but farther out they kept fighting. The Darkling yelled again and dark shapes flew from the sky, swooping over the military encampment. It shortly became a nightmare, and everyone looked up in horror. The creatures flew to the Darkling and landed behind him.

"I said you will stop fighting now! Where is the Apparat?" he demanded. There was silence for a while.

Finally someone shouted from near the back, "I saw him leave a couple minutes ago."

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