Chapter 5

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Author Note: Thanks for being patient with me while I was on vacation. All the recent votes and comment made me want to keep writing as soon as I could though, so thank you! We also just got a puppy and I'm massively sleep deprived so forgive any typos! I hope you enjoy this chapter. It is my longest yet to make up for you guys having to wait for it! :)


Chapter 5

Ivan adjusted his black Kefta with the gold embroidery winding up its sides. It was the opposite of Alina's for the ball, as she would be wearing gold with black embroidery. They were to be seen as the perfect pair, perfectly aligned with each other to tear down the fold.

Aleksander waved the man away. His Kefta was fine, but his unease was bleeding over to Ivan. He should not have told Alina his plan; he was unused to being caught up in the moment, and he had been so close to winning her over. If he had more time perhaps, but no. Alina was being naïve, and he would not fall into the same trap. 'Would it really hurt to delay killing the stag a little longer?'

Feeling his own indecision, he decided to go talk to Baghra. His mother was good at crushing his dreams and naïve wishes, and that was what he needed. The plan was ready, and General Zlatan needed to be dealt with soon.

"Stay here Ivan. I am going to talk with Baghra," he said storming out of his chambers. He would need to get Alina in a couple hours. No doubt Genya was doing her prep work already. Not that Alina needed any altering, but Genya would want to get everything perfect and everything in fashion with the royal court.

He slowed as he reached his mother's hut. Not really considering what he was going to say, he felt like he needed to pick and choose what he would share with his mother. She would use whatever he said against him if it suited her purposes. Talking voices from within surprised him. He had limited his mother's interactions with his grisha. 'What are you up to now mother?'

Leaning against one of the small windows, he let his shadows trickle through the window sill to slightly lift it, just a miniscule amount so sound would travel through. What he heard shocked him. It was Alina's voice!

"But you said it is possible!" Alina said, her tone angry.

"Do you want to destroy him that badly?" Baghra asked. Aleksander felt his anger overcome him, and had to shove the shadows down to silence. He did not want Baghra to know he was there.

"I will do what I must! Now you choose to act like a protective mother? I don't buy it!" Alina said. Aleksander did not believe it either, but what treachery was Alina planning?

"You come to me seeking a way to destroy my son! You want to destroy the fold and him with it; get rid of all the darkness at once. I do think the boy is foolish and must be stopped at times, but I will help with nothing that leads to his death. Leave me at once!" Baghra said.

Aleksander turned to hide himself in the shadows, when he saw Genya sitting on a log under the shadow of a large tree. If he wasn't a master of shadows he would have missed seeing her, and she had evaded his notice when he had approached the hut.

She was staring at him with a guilty expression. He raised a finger to his lips. She got the message and nodded. She wouldn't tell Alina he was there. He had hoped to avoid putting Genya in that position again with Alina, but considering she was asking his mother how to destroy him, he would have to do distasteful things as well. He knew Genya must have helped her leave her room, but she would not know of the plot. Genya's loyalty was unquestionable.

The hut door slammed open and Alina ran out to Genya. She looked determined with her back straight and her beautiful eyes focused. The darkling general thought he was beyond feeling deep hurt, but he was wrong. Alina's words had created a deeper wound in his distrustful heart.

Shadow and Light: A Darklina RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now