Who Am I?

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Austin, it means exalted, ironic ay, I've never felt great in life, never felt special or worthy in life, most people seem to have everything figured out, they want to be doctors or scientist, actors or police-men. When I was smaller I remember I wanted to be a pilot, you could ask me anything about planes and I would be able to tell you , but I guess that dream died out like all the others. I never really stuck to anything, never really liked anything, never had any friends, well that is, except for Arina she was my hope, my friend ,my light in the darkness. She was always there for me when everyone else wasn't, I guess I always kind of under-rated her ,never gave her the credit she deserved, she seemed to have everything figured out too, always knew who she was ,but then that brings me to the question who am I, what am I?

Therapist: Well Austin that was an incredibly good and loong speech you have there.

Therapist: It would seem as though you have alot going right now, my suggestion would be to get a journal.

Austin: A journal?

Therapist: Yes,and then write down your feelings, thoughts, emotions, just get everything out there it can help you to cope with all that's been going on in life.

Austin: That's, that's accually not a bad idea,thx.

------------------------------------------------ 1 HOUR LATER------------------------------------------------------------

Place: Riding to the orphanage

Time: Evening

Mood: Fustrated

That's the most ridiculous idea I've heard in all my life! Get a stupid journal, I pay good money for those type of answers. Might as well go up to a wishing well and wish all my problems away. As I rode up to the orphanage I saw something, someone then my face dropped, tears tricled down my cheeks, shock spread throughtout my body. I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood still.

Austin: What.the.heck

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