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Hope A feeling...

...A feeling we allow ourselves to have

~One Hour Later After The Last Chapter...

As We drove towards the building I frantically bolted out of the car


~I shouted

I ran up to the door...took a deep breath in and knocked

2 Minutes right before sunset

I couldn't even believe I had ended up in this situation... but now I had the hope, the hope to get my life back...

~Some Hours Later


Your a very lucky boy...

Some minutes before sunset...

Why if I wearn't your head guide I'd be congratulating you right now.

But Unfortunately, running away is not tolereted hear at ST.JAMES

So if you are expecting to do reckless acts like that again I'd strongly advise you not to



Y-Yes Sir

My heart was racing

Why did he have to be so stern?

As I got up he showed me around

Head Guide

Sick Bay
Rest Zone

We've got them all

Better than most mental instituations could even dream of...



That's how I'd describe the place

The walls where tainted

The colors were faded out

The patients themselves looked drained

"Is it always like this?" I asked

Head Guide

Haha I love your sense of humor young one

But yes..

You better get used to this

Cause right now...its rush hour


What this was ST.James at its best...

I couldn't spend anymore time here

But I knew it was either this....or jail


As I layed In my bed

Thoughts raced through my mind...

I wondered what It would be like...to not have M.P.D

But atlas maybe if this insitution's treatments worked I wouldn't have to wonder anymore

Maybe one day..I could be fully cured...

Maybe one day my Hope would be my Reality.

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