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I has now been about 5 days since the cops have suspected me, to be honest I don't know what to say ,what to do, what to think. Everywhere I turn there's a police car next to me, I just wish, I wish, I wish I could see how all of this is going to end, but I can't and I guess that's something I have to live with. My only question is why? just why?

Time: Morning

Setting: School

So,it's the first day of school since sumer, back to being "Moosie Aussie", I wish that was my biggest problem but I guess not, Hopefully everything can go-

Arina: Heyyy

Austin: Oh,hey Arina

Arina: Did you hear about the chester's party?

Chester the rich wanna be boy every girl in school wants.

Arina: I heard people are gonna walk into that party with their "V" and come back with gone,if you know what I mean.

Austin: Arina, you and I are so different how did we even become friends in the first place?

Arina: I dont know, Austin, I dont know.

~Bell Rings

Arina: Well that's the bell see later,wierdo

Austin: Later.

So,as you can see Arina is alot to handle.

As I walked forward to go to my next class my phone rang, the buzzing of the device shook me ,as I answered , the words that came out of the person's mouth next made my heart drop.

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