Everything Sucks! (Pt. 2)

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I stopped in my tracks, my legs froze, my heart raced as thoughts flew through my mind.

Is it really you?


"You little piece of crap" I shouted!

"You abandoned me,you-you gave me away my life is litterally a living piece dung because of you!

Tears trickled down my face, sadness over took me.

"I-I, I hate you!" I shouted as I sprinted away!

I cried as I sat down in the rain,wishing it all to be a nightmare, I-I didn't understand,after all this time,all these years why bother to contact me? Then she came, and sat down next to me.

"Honey,I know how this must seem,it must be alot,but I want you to know that It was not my choice to leave you"

I cried, as she hugged me, her voice was so sweet it was hard staying mad at her.

"Then why did you leave,why?"

Your father,he was a very bad man,he would hit me, I-I was in an abuse shelter all these years"

My heart sank

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"It's ok, I know-

Suddenly a van pulled up and forcefully took my mother!


Wow,it's like your whole familys' life is crap


Brian Moveee


I couldn't believe it MY.MOTHER.WAS.JUST.KIDNAPPED!

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