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The thing we all want...

The thing we all need...

But not the thing...
We All Get



So Austin...

Looking through Arina's eyes, how would you describe yourself?



I Mean... I'm her friend


But um... then...then my alter ego kidnapped her...

And abused her....but um...she didn't know I was suffering from a mental Illness...So then..

Then she um....she probaly thought I was the one hurting her...

And after all this...I'm here walking basically a free man...And she's in the hospital

Having to have all this trauma...

"Wow...she probaly must really,really hate me."


Now Austin... The reason I'm going through all this with you Is because today Is your last day here...

And sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own lives...that we forget to think about what the other person must be going through...

So....Austin... Now that your free from this place, I want you to remember... to always look out for the other person...

~One Hour After

Walking In Hall-Way Of St.James


Wow,I can't believe 3 months flew by so quickly...


Yh...I'm gonna miss you

Austin get out two months from now...we'll meet up then

~In Austin's Mind

If I was being honest with myself...I was going to miss them
I was going to miss this place...All Its memories...All the laughs
The cries...My therapist...And how I would stay up at night and just
let the thoughts flow...but that was gone...How could
being so,so,so painful...

~Some Minutes Later

Reception Desk


Um...I'm supposed to get out today...

But...I have no guardians to collect me after...


Austin ,It says here that your legal guardian after your mother is "Gorge Green"


That must be wrong, I've never heard of that name before


Hey kid, I'm just stating what your file says.



~Minutes Later

As I walked out of the building and towards the car...confusion shook me.

I saw the was the same elderly man that had found me on the free-way

He smiled and said...

"I told you'd know my name In due time"

"Now you know, It's Grandpa Gorge!"

A smile plastered onto my face

"Your My Legal Guardian!"

I ran up to my grandpa and hugged him with all my might.

"I've never had a grandpa before!"

"And I've never Had a grand-son before!"

Happiness Was now In full Control

"This Is the best day of my life!"

~Some Days Later

News Reporter

In two weeks Austin Green Is expected to appear in court, along side his victims Arina Williams and Nicole Green.

All Of Us Hope that justice will be delivered to both the victims in this troubling case...


Let's all hope...for the sake of it...that those mental treatments worked...

...Because If they didn't...Austin...Could be in big,big trouble...


Judge's Adviser

Ma'am I'm sorry but contrary to what's being said on the news...

Neither Arina nor Mrs.Nicole will be attending the case...

The hospital says their health status is unknown...

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